根据xxx网站的信息,……("http://xxx.com")。研究表明,……(XXX(人名), "XXX网站")。当在...
内容提示: MLA In-Text Citation and “Works Cited” Entries Citation Basics: I. Elements of MLA Citations p. 2 II. In-Text Citations (Parenthetical Documentation) p. 3-4 III. Citation Abbreviations p. 5 Citation Examples for “Works Cited” List I. Books p. 6-8 A. Books (in their ...
(一)In-Text Citation MLA格式采用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合。 1.How to quote in the text?(如何在正文中引用文献?)In-text citations occur after the quote but before the period.The author’s/authors’name/s go before the page number with no comma in between.i.e.“A lone woman is troub...
Two Types of Documentation in MLA Style: • In-Text Citations • Works Cited Basics of In-Text Citation • Author’s name, including first name the first time name mentioned, in text of your essay • Note page number in parentheses—without pg. ...
the parenthetical citation goes after the period, as the following example shows: Ways to cite text Ways to cite text • You may put the author’s name in the body of your text and just put page number in parentheses at the end of the sentence. Ex: ...
Here is the standard correct in-text citation style according to MLA guidelines: “Quotation” (Author’s Last Name Page Number). Take a moment to carefully consider the placement of the parts and punctuation of this in-text citation. Note that there is no punctuation indicating the end of ...
For citing a print textbook in MLA, the surname of the author(s) is used in the in-prose and parenthetical citations. In-text citation template and example: In-prose: Author Surname (Page Number) Bell (360). Parenthetical: (Author Surname Page Number). ...
An MLA citation in prose is when the author’s name is used in the text of the sentence. At the end of the sentence, in parentheses, is the page number where the information was found. Here is an example When it comes to technology, King states that we “need to be comfortable enoug...
Examples of the most basic kinds of in-text citation styles are given in the following list. For specific cases or other examples, consult the MLA Handbook. :: Basic Format The basic format for MLA in-text citation is as follows: (Author’s Last Name_Page Number) e.g.,. One author ...