3. Chicago/Turabian格式 Chicago格式由芝加哥大学出版社制定,这一格式的标准是《芝加哥引注格式使用指南》(The Chicago Manual of Style),被广泛应用于图书、杂志、报纸以及人文科学领域。Turabian格式指的是凯特·杜拉宾(Kate Turabian)编写的《学期、学位、学术论文写作指南》(A Manual for Writers of Term Paper...
MLA example of an in-text citation for a religious scripture While, unacceptable in today’s society, the Bible is riddled with individuals who have two, three, and sometimes four or more spouses. One example in theKing James Bible, states that an individual “had two wives, the name of ...
Create manual citation When you incorporate quotes or ideas of other authors in your work, you must provide an in-text citation in order to credit those authors properly. For in-text citations, Harvard referencing style uses author-date format. In other words, Harvard style uses parenthetical ...
Chicago Style with In-Text Citations Chicago (or Turabian, after Kate L. Turabian) is the style of the University of Chicago and has its own unique set of rules for composing and documenting a paper. Chicago comes in two different forms, one using notes and a bibliography and one using ...
An in-text citation is a reference made within the body of text of an academic essay. The in-text citation alerts the reader to a source that has informed your own writing. The exact format of an in-text citation will depend on the style you need to use, for example, APA. Check wit...
Style GuideIn-text citationBibliographic Entry APA We used MAXQDA 2022 (VERBI Software, 2021) for data analysis. VERBI Software. (2021). MAXQDA 2022 [computer software]. Berlin, Germany: VERBI Software. Available from maxqda.com. Chicago/Turabian (note and bibliography style) 1 VERBI Software, ...
Turabian style Formatting General format Title page In-text citations Author-date style Notes and bibliography style Annotated bibliography Chicago citation examples Examples Book Journal article Newspaper Website YouTube video Movie Image Speech Interview Bible Interesting topics Parts of speech Working wi...
When inserting a footnote, you can choose from the different footnote formatting styles that match the type of document or style of writing you produce. Some writing styles, like Turabian, Chicago, and Oxford, use footnotes for in-text citations. In contrast, other writing styles, such as APA...
The in-text citation for a website with an author is reflected as the author’s last name in parentheses, followed by a period. Unless the website includes numbered paragraphs or sections, you should not include any additional information. For the website used in the example above, the in...
If a book has more than three authors, then, for in-text citation where the author’s name occurs in the flow of the text, the last name of the first author is given followed by the term ”et al.”, with only a space in between. This is followed by the year of publication in ...