相比APA,CMS等格式来说,MLA论文格式更加严谨,更加常用。文学类论文通常使用MLA格式。MLA格式使用非常简短in-text citation标注,在括号中标注作者的姓+页码即可:Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263)如果正文中已经出现过作者名,括号中则只需标注页...
相比APA,CMS等格式来说,MLA论文格式更加严谨,更加常用。 文学类论文通常使用MLA格式。 MLA格式使用非常简短in-text citation标注,在括号中标注作者的姓+页码即可:Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263). 如果正文中已经出现过作者名,括号中则只需标注...
=My first document using asciidoctor-bibliography:bibliography-database: my_database.bib:bibliography-style: apa In your document body, cite your resources using their keys: This will end with a citation cite:[Aa2017]. Then list out the resources you cited: ...
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BibTex APAIntroductionpytorch-widedeep is based on Google's Wide and Deep Algorithm, adjusted for multi-modal datasets.In general terms, pytorch-widedeep is a package to use deep learning with tabular data. In particular, is intended to facilitate the combination of text and images with correspo...
The domestic ruminants such as buffaloes, cattle, goats, sheep, and camels all around the globe represent a significant part of the global economy. Although domestic ruminant group infestations by hard ticks are commonly reported worldwide. Because these localized reports have shown variable and unpro...
Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71060-0_9-1 Received19 November 2018 Accepted20 November 2018 Published13 November 2019 Publisher NameSpringer, Cham Print ISBN978-3-319-71060-0 Online ISBN978-3-319-71060-0 eBook PackagesLiving Reference Earth and Enviro...
Export citation file: BibTeX | EndNote | RIS MDPI and ACS Style Maria, E.C.J.; Salazar, I.; Sanz, L.; Gómez-Villegas, M.A. Using Copula to Model Dependence When Testing Multiple Hypotheses in DNA Microarray Experiments: A Bayesian Approximation. Mathematics 2020, 8, 1514. https://...
NutritionCh ANDOR All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Vanessa S. Sakalidis 1,2, Alethea Rea 3, Sharon L. Perrella 4,5, Jacki McEachran 4, Grace Collis 5, Jennifer Miraudo 5, Stuart A. Prosser...
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