在学术写作中,我们一定会进行的重要工作是引用(citation),一般在两个地方包括对他人工作的引用:一是在正文中,二是在文章末尾的参考书目列表中。今天,浪花课堂的鲸鱼老师来给大家讲讲为什么以及如何在文章中进行“In-text citations ”。 What is In-text ...
一种被称为文内引用in-text citation,指的是将引用的参考文献直接变成文章的正文内容。这里的text指的就是the content of essay。这里的文内引用就类似于我们初高中写作文的引用名人名言,比如什么高尔基说或伏尔泰说。但是在English essay里面肯定不能直接翻译为XX author speaks或者talks,这是完全要避免的。正确的用...
根据xxx网站的信息,……("http://xxx.com")。研究表明,……(XXX(人名), "XXX网站")。当在...
Example: Placement of IEEE in-text citations in sentencesJohannes [1] suggests that further investigation is required. But according to Manuela [2], … In-text citations can alternatively be treated as nouns in your sentence. In this case, you essentially use them in place of the author’s...
一、文献引用(Citation in Text) 文献引用的目的,一方面是帮助读者进一步直接查阅有关文献的内容,另一方面是尊重与保障他人的知识产权。文献引用的方式主要有两种,一种是在行文当中直接引用作者姓氏,如:Widdowson (1978)has claimed that native speakers can better understand ungrammatical utteranceswith accurate vocabul...
Chicago B: 你在文本中使用了parenthetical author-date citation引文。 Chicago A (book) 示例 Chicago in-text citation The book uses success stories from the authors’ own lived experiences to make the case for a creative revolution in the business world.1 ...
Chicago style in-text citations can follow the (author, date, page number) in-text citation system, likeAPA format. Alternatively, some following the Chicago style prefer to use a notes and bibliography system, which does away with in-text citations completely, using numbered footnotes or endno...
consult your instructor. In-Text Citation Don’t include authors’ names if identified in sentence cited. Page numbers are used only when directly quoting, not when paraphrasing. Book by One Author Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year of Publication). Title of book. Place of Publication: Name...
7.2In-textCitation Theparentheticalreferencesmaytakeoneofthefollowingforms:(1)Author’snameintext,andpagenumberin parentheses Tannenhasarguedthispoint(178-85).Others,likeJakobsonandWaugh(210-15),holdtheoppositepointofview.OnlyDaiches(2:776-7)hasseenthisrelation.Itmaybetrue,as...
In-text citations for PARAPHRASED material always include dates, but can be formatted in two ways: • If the author’s name is included in a signal phrase, only the date needs to be placed in parentheses: Patterson (1998) has noticed the same phenomenon. ...