term 1 of 2 noun ˈtərm Synonyms ofterm 1 a :a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject legalterms b termsplural:expression of a specified kind described in glowingterms...
就xx而言 sample: in terms of score students from Hong Kong usually stand out. 就成绩而言,来自中国香港的学生通常很出众。 in terms of freshness that restaurant is the best. 就食物的新鲜程度而言,那家餐馆是最好的。in term of X 以X为本 how to use it 如何使用这东西 ...
①In term of..., we should take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet. ②We should, therefore, as the common saying goes, "absorb the essence and neglect the drawbacks." ③ What we should do is to encourage the strength and diminish the weaknesses. 2.不同主体,不同做法...
of prayer and fact, negative sentiment, emotions of fear, and anger. Relevant findings have specific contributions to the information governance of public opinion, the development of social media theory, and the maintenance of network order, which can further weaken the negative impact of information...
term [term] 1.adefiniteperiod,especiallytheperiodofgestation,orpregnancy. 2.awordwithaspecificmeaning,suchasoneusedin alimitedtechnicalvocabulary. MeSHt'ssubjectheadings. Miller-KeaneEncyclopediaandDictionaryofMedicine,Nursing,andAlliedHealth,SeventhEdition.©2003bySaunders,animprintofElsevier,Inc.Allrightsres...
The meaning of TERM OF/IN OFFICE is the time when a person holds a job or position of authority especially in the government.
term (tûrm) n. 1. A limited or established period of time that something is supposed to last, as a school or court session, tenure in public office, or a prison sentence. 2. a. A point in time at which something ends; termination: an apprenticeship nearing its term. b. The end...
a1.The words and meaning of the term of this Contract Agreement same as defined in the terms of the contract.To read and understand these terms should be used as part of this Contract Agreement 1.The这份合同协议书的期限的词和意思和一样被定义在合同期限。作为这份合同协议书一部分,应该使用要...
The use of "prima‐facie"; in intercollegiate and interscholastic debating and in our textbooks indicates a mystical identification among academic arguers and may point towards the primordium of argumentation which may need re‐examination. A consideration of the meaning of the term may prove of ...
Meaning –Myloveislikeared,redrose.–Tobe,ornottobe,isaquestion.Themeaningofutterances:–Thechequeflutteredtothefloorlikeabirdwithabroken wing…Definition Semanticsisthestudyofmeaning.Morespecifically,semanticsisthestudyofthemeaningoflinguisticunits,wordsandsentencesinparticular.Keypoints Learn:...