Three sets of breeding experiments contribute to the present analyses. For the first breeding experiment, gametes were stripped from 16 wild genitors (8 males and 8 females) and used for block-wise full-factorial breeding with two males and two females per block. The embryos of these 16 half...
In addition to supporting the strong evidence base for a causal association between obesity and MM risk,13the current study addresses important knowledge gaps surrounding the importance of BMI in earlier and later life for MM risk, a question investigated in only a few studies. An analysis in th...
The Riemannian framework for shape matching of callosal curves [30] can be used to compute invariant statistics such as shape averages and covariances on the tangent space of shapes. The shape average is computed by minimizing the sum squared geodesic distances (geodesic variance) between all the...
However, if we exclude the shape of the lateral teeth (squared to lozenge in Aetomylaeus, hexagonal to rhomboidal in Promyliobatis), the number, shape and proportions of symphyseal teeth appear not useful to clearly separate Promyliobatis from Aetomylaeus (see Table 2), also considering ...
Significance between two independent groups that met the assumptions was determined using unpaired Student’s t tests, while those failed to meet the assumptions were examined using the Mann–Whitney U test. The chi-squared test was used for categorical data analysis. For multiple group comparisons,...
widely used for similar problems: (i) a rectified linear unit (ReLu) at each layer and a linear unit at the last layer; (ii) optimizer: root mean square propagation (RMSprop); (iii) k-fold where k was 10; (iv) normalization [15]; and (v) loss function: mean squared error (MSE)...
The variance for the set of examples ℰE is defined as the average squared distance between each example’s label vector 𝐥𝑘lk and the set’s mean label vector 𝐥̂l^, i.e., Var(ℰ)=1|ℰ|∑𝑘∈ℰ𝑑(𝐥𝑘,𝐥̂)2Var(E)=1|E|∑k∈Ed(lk,l^)2 (13) ...
Subsequently, Hewitt and Roberts (1969), who carried out experiments with air/water in a 32 mm diameter pipe at 3 bar, showed that if plotted as the momentum fluxes (the product of density, ρi, times superficial velocity, uis, squared, with i = G for the gas and = L for the ...
MC-MMORF uses cubic B-spline elastic transformation with mean squared error as the cost function for T1w registration and mean squared Frobenius norm for DTI registration, and uses log-Euclidean averaging to generate the DTI template (Lange et al., 2020b; Roumazeilles et al., 2021). MC-...
In the 12∘ squared FOV, we measured the position of 5 stars: Maia (star (2) in Fig. 7), ϵ Tau, 36A and 37A Tau, and BD+16 560. We used the ccmap task in IRAF (Image Reduction and Analysis Facility) to locate the centroid of each star and fit their celestial coordinates....