select*fromempwheresalin(1500,3000,5000) --等价于下面语句select*fromempwheresal=1500orsal=3000orsal=5000//这个sql命令首先会执行from emp找到emp这个表,然后执行where后面的语句//从第一条记录开始,如果sal(工资)这一个字段的值等于1500,或者3000,//或者5000,那就输出这条记录所有字段的值。如果不等于这些值...
SQL Server 2005 introduces improvements in the programming interfaces used to access data in SQL Server databases. For example, the SQL Native Client data access technology is new, and the .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server, also referred to as SqlClient, is enhanced. Analysis Services...
我们知道在SQL Server 2005上微软使用了AMO这个Managed Lib替代了之前的COM DSO,虽然MSDN上还是在使用“Capability background”挽留过多的老顾客,而且也声明了: “This feature will be removed in the next version of Microsoft SQL Server. Do not use this feature in new development work, and modify applica...
The grantable permissions in SQL Server 2005 are far more specific than in its predecessors. Virtually any object has a variety of permissions grantable to virtually any principal. SQL Server still makes heavy use of roles at the server and database levels, but it is no longer necessary to ad...
1. Use the certificate that the administrator has specified in the SQL Server Configuration Manager (right-click on "Protocols for <instance>" under "SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration" and the select the "Certificate" tab) 2. If no certificate has been specified, the server will search the...
Using the sqlcmd Utility (SQL Server Express) Managing Database Files (SQL Server Express) SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Server Express Using Service Broker (SQL Server Express) SQL Server Management Studio Express Reporting Services in SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Advanced Services ...
T-SQL Enhancement in SQL Server 2005[下篇] 在第一部分中,我们讨论了APPLY和CTE这两个T-SQL Enhancement。APPLY实现了Table和TVF的Join,CTE通过创建“临时的View”的方式使问题化繁为简。现在我们接着来讨论另外两个重要的T-SQL Enhancement Items:PIVOT和Ranking。
block each other. The following code shows one such deadlock in the pubs database. (You can run this code side-by-side in two Query Analyzer windows in SQL Server 2000 or in two Management Studio queries in SQL Server 2005.) In one window, prefix the body of the code with the ...
Unicode Support in SQL Server 2005 Data Types in SQL Server 2005 Performance and Storage Space Migration of Metadata Information in System Tables Collations Server-Client Communication (Data-Access Technologies) Multilingual Data in the User Interface ...
可能文字描述太过抽象,我们现在通过例子来进一步理解APPLY Operator。下面的例子基于的Database是SQL Server 2005 的Sample Database:AdventureWorks。(注:后续的例子如未作特殊的说明,均使用的是该Database)。我们首先创建一个TVF:dbo.fn_getproduct。根据Product ID获得产品信息。