The meaning of IN SITU is in the natural or original position or place. How to use in situ in a sentence.
In situ, literally stands for “in place of”, “at the original site of”, “in the natural position of” or “in the undisturbed shape or orientation of”.
in-situ visualization of the SCL effect on the interfacial lithium-ion transport in sulfide-based ASSLIBs is still a great challenge. Here, we directly observe the electrode/electrolyte interface lithium
In situ/operando XRD 单从单词上来说就可以分为两部分,in situ/operando 是原位的意思,表明你的整个过程是对同一个对象的实时监测,当然整个过程中的各个数据是具有较高的可比性的(一般文章里会用到in situ 或 operando,两个都是“原位”的意思,in situ 相对来说是一种老一点的说法,而operando则是比较时髦的...
An in situ uv visible reflectance spectroscopic technique is used to investigate the nickel electrode-alkaline solution interface. It is shown that by recording the change in relative reflectivity of the surface vs the potential applied to the electrode, at various fixed wavelengths, it is possible ...
美国IN-situ RDO PRO光学溶解氧传感器-工业版 北京中科汇仪科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥300.00/个 福建厦门 氧化锆分析仪传感器\WDG1210/INSITU-36 \L=1200 AMETEK阿美特克 在线交易 24小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 厦门元航机械设备有限公司 1年 查看详情 面议 北京 美国IN-situ RDO PRO光学溶解氧传感器...
In-Situ vs. Prefab 3D Printing Considerations for CO2- free Pop-up Architecturedoi:10.47982/spool.2024.1.05Aslaminezhad, AtousaHidding, ArwinBier, HenrietteCalabrese, GiuseppeSpool
(2) Any other current malignancy or malignancy diagnosed or relapsed within the past 3 years. Exceptions to other malignancies include non-melanomatous skin cancer, stage 0 melanoma in situ and in situ cervical cancer. An exception will be made for malignancies diagnosed or relapsed more than ...
Using a matrix-assisted laser desorption–ionization (MALDI)-MS imaging (MSI)-based analysis approach, we discovered the extracellular accumulation of l-Trp in our human HGG tissue cohort in situ (Fig. 6f and Extended Data Fig. 6a,b). As expected, all tumors diagnosed IDH mutant showed ...
实现扣电、单层叠片、软包与方壳电芯等原位膨胀力与厚度测量;Realize in-situ pressure and thickness test for Coin, single stack, p…