Objective: The authors evaluated the long-term patency and outcome of patients undergoing infrainguinal reconstruction using the in situ saphenous vein. Summary Background Data: The in situ saphenous vein bypass has demonstrated excellent patency and limb salvage rates in numerous studies. The authors ...
Formation of copper oxide ([CuO])., sulfate (CuSo·5HO), thiocyanate (CuSCN), and halogenyde (CuI, CuBr, and CuCl) films on copper electrodes was followed in situ in sulfate solutions at various pH values under low overpotentials. Effects of pH, solution anion content, and/or the ...
Pastaba: "Concurrency Control" yra nustatytas srauto paleidimo nustatymuose ir pagal numatytuosius nustatymus yra išjungtas. Įjungus "Concurrency Control" negalima anuliuoti neištrynus ir iš naujo nepridėjus paleidiklio. Laukimas bėga - Netaikoma, kai "Concurrency Control" ...
Training of technicians for the maintenance of mosaics in situ: a Tunisian experienceRoby, ThomasAlberti, LiviaBen Khader, Aïcha Ben Abed
These in situ, simple but detailed, characterizations of the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the Ni–MH system provided valuable information for better understanding of the battery performance. 展开 关键词: Theoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ charge exchange diffusion electric vehicles ...
a study on the ration a study on the select a study on the situat a study on the sustai a study on the utiliz a study on the violat a successful example a sudden change in th a sudden straight bal a summer sleep habits a superficial talk ab a superior tonic a supper herolike sup...
Well-logging data from a dipole sonic log and density log are used to compute estimates of Poisson's ratio and in-situ stress parameters for this well. Mechanical core-test measurements (from cores obtained intermittently from different sections of the Gachsaran formation) also used to confirm ...
RNA in situ hybridization The dehydration and infiltration of the hypocotyl were performed in ethanol and paraffin series as in a previous study [86] and then the section was stored at 4°C. We selected specifically expressed marker genes from each cell cluster. The specific regions of marker...
A method for in-situ monitoring of residual strain/stress evolution during annealing treatments has been developed using a new induction heating setup designed for neutron strain-scanning instruments. First, time-of-flight neutron diffraction was used for determining the location and level of maximum ...
Karn B, Kuiken T, Otto M (2009) Nanotechnology and in situ remediation: a review of the benefits and potential risks. Environ Health Perspect 117:1823–1831. https://doi.org/10.1289/ehp.0900793 Article Google Scholar Karunakaran G, Suriyaprabha R, Manivasakan P, Yuvakkumar R, Rajendran ...