半导体工程师 2024年09月09日 08:26 北京原位透射电镜 (In-situ TEM)是一种可以在特定条件下实时观察材料响应的电镜技术,它通过特殊设计的样品杆或电镜改造来实现高温、气体或液体环境下的高分辨(可到原子级)观察。在原位观测过程中,不同样品杆的不同功能起着至关重要的作用。 本文讨论了用于高温、气体反应和液...
原位透射电镜 (In-situ TEM)是一种可以在特定条件下实时观察材料响应的电镜技术,它通过特殊设计的样品杆或电镜改造来实现高温、气体或液体环境下的高分辨(可到原子级)观察。在原位观测过程中,不同样品杆的不同功能起着至关重要的作用。 本文讨论了用于高温、气体反应和液体环境的样品杆,以及新型的用于原位观测的微...
原位透射电子显微学(in-situTEM)是指直接在原子层次观察样品在力、热、电、磁作用下以及化学反应过程中的微结构演化及进行表征的过程,近年来成为材料研究的热门领域。 与原位对应的非原位(ex-situ)是指实验过程是在电镜外完成,实验完成后再将样品放进电镜中观察,通过对比实验前和实验后样品的图像来推断实验过程中样...
A double-tilt in-situ mechanical sample holder for TEM based on piezoelectric ceramic drive belongs to the field of material microstructure-mechanical properties in-situ characterization, and it comprise two parts of sample holder shaft body and piezoelectric ceramic drive system. The sample holder ...
(in-situ TEM)是指直接在原子层次观察样品在力、热、电、磁作用下以及化学反应过程中的微结构演化及进行表征的过程,近年来成为材料研究的热门领域。与原位对应的非原位(ex-situ)是指实验过程是在电镜外完成,实验完成后再将样品放进电镜中观察,通过对比实验前和实验后样品的图像来推断实验过程中样品发生的变化。原位...
situTEM samples were finally etched to make electron transparent regions with aforementioned etching condition. A TEM (JEM-2100, JEOL Ltd.) was used at acceleration voltage of 200 kV and anin-situstraining TEM stage (strainingin-situholder- model 654, Gatan, Inc.) was used for thein-situ...
as the working electrodes, Li as the reference escleacntnroindge,taranndsLmi2iOssiaosntheleecsotrloidnemleicctrrooslcyotep.eA(lSl TthEeMin) situ electrochemical tests were conducted in a Titan 80–300 operated at 300 kV with a Nanofactory TEM scanning tun- neling microscopy (STM) holder....
Here we report in-situ TEM observations on interaction between dislocations and β′ phases in aged Mg–Gd alloys. The slipping dislocations squash into the interface and bow out to bypass the β′ phase, leading to a zigzag route of plastic flow. Orowan mechanism is determined as the main ...
operandoin situ TEMenvironmental TEM (ETEMmass spectrometryEELScatalystNew methods for identifying chromosomal regions containing genes that affect murine responses... John C. Crabbe a,Tamara J. Phillips a,Kari J. Buck a,... - 《Trends in Neurosciences》 被引量: 499发表: 1999年 加载更多站...
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