The meaning of IN SITU is in the natural or original position or place. How to use in situ in a sentence.
Enhance your art presentation with Insitu Art Room's virtual art mockup tool. Easily preview artwork on various interiors for powerful art displays and professional marketing.
InsituArtRoom is one of the first art visualization apps and has been a top choice since its launch in 2019. It’s specifically designed for artists looking to s…
InsituArtRoom is one of the first art visualization apps and has been a top choice since its launch in 2019. It’s specifically designed for artists looking to s…
Unavoidably, with such a long history, a precise and stable definition of the term AI is difficult to provide, depending also on the state of the field. For the purpose of this paper, we will focus on what the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), one of the major publ...
Define in place of. in place of synonyms, in place of pronunciation, in place of translation, English dictionary definition of in place of. n. 1. a. An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space. b. Room or space, especially adequate
Define adenocarcinoma in situ. adenocarcinoma in situ synonyms, adenocarcinoma in situ pronunciation, adenocarcinoma in situ translation, English dictionary definition of adenocarcinoma in situ. n. A malignant tumor originating in glandular tissue. ad′e
High Bridge ARTLAB / in situ studioin situ studioWashingtonArchdaily
Microplastics: finding a consensus on the definition. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 138, 145–147 (2019). Article Google Scholar Kooi, M. & Koelmans, A. A. Simplifying microplastic via continuous probability distributions for size, shape,and density. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 6, 551–557 (2019...
” said Starlab CEO Tim Kopra. “To ensure the success of our future space missions, we are starting with state-of-the-art testing facilities that will include the closest approximation to the flight environment as possible and allow us to verify requirements and validate the design of the ...