1b). X chromosome reactivation was confirmed at the single-cell level using RNA fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) for the X-linked genes HUWE1 and POLA1 (Fig. 1d and Extended Data Fig. 1c). Consistent with previous reports11,26, XIST was expressed and mostly accumulated on one of...
Depth profiles of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides, including 10Be (T1/2=1.5×106 years) and 26Al (T1/20.73×106 years), in the upper few meters of the... R Braucher and D.L Bourlès and E.T Brown and F Colin and J.-P Muller and J.-J Braun and M Delaune and A Edou...
Wishaw M, Barton DP (2001) Comparative vacuum monitoring: A new method of in-situ real-time crack detection and monitoring. In: Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific conference on nondestructive testing, Brisbane, Australia 2001 Sep, pp 18–21 Clark G, Katei S (2001) Evaluation of a novel...
Documents and Settings n’est en fait pas du tout un répertoire, mais un point de jonction. Rappelez-vous que les points de jonction sont similaires aux liens symboliques qui redirigent simplement l’accès à un autre emplacement. Dans ce cas, la jonction va directement vers un répertoire...
Yamato Philbeck Residence / in situ studio The Hakka Triangle House / TEAM_BLDG Haffenden House / PARA PACO Restaurant / Pure's Design CUPACLAD Natural Slate - Arrow Design | Cupa Pizarras Munthes Gate 29 House / R21 Arkitekter The d’Orsay Residential Building / Hi...
The NPC markers CD15, CD133, nestin, GFAP and phosphacan (DSD-1) were evaluated in situ in the canine rostral telencephalon, hippocampal dentate gyrus, and cerebellum at different postnatal time-points. Positive staining results were interpreted in the context of region and cellular morphology. ...
The purpose of this study is to estimate the in-situ emission factors of several pollutants (particle number [PN], black carbon [BC] and several volatile and semi -volatile organic compounds [VOCs and SVOCs]) in an urban area of Nantes, France, with real-world traffic conditions and ...
Due to the co-occurrence of both signals in intertidal areas, in situ studies cannot unambiguously distinguish between their respective contributions to the observed MPB primary production and vertical migra- tion patterns. In addition, most of the laboratory experiments have not tried to distinguish ...
Xu, IceMole: a maneuverable probe for clean in situ analysis and sampling of subsurface ice and subglacial aquatic ecosystems. Ann. Glaciol. 55(65), 14–22 (2014) ADS Google Scholar A. Davaille, C. Jaupart, Transient high-Rayleigh-number thermal convection with large viscosity variations...
NASA’s Perseverance rover has used a suite of scientific instruments to explore the Jezero Crater, Mars19,20. Part of this payload is the SuperCam instrument, which, together with the SHERLOC instrument14, enables the use of Raman spectroscopy for the first time for in situ planetary exploratio...