“due diligence” 词 条的解释是:"Due diligence** is a term used for a number of concepts, involving either an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract, or an act with a certain standard of careo根据上下文,我们发现,译为“尽职调查”在此处根本就不合理, 因为全文与...
company annual return company bonds company contract company conventions d company cost of capit company culture enter company department company homepage form company image strateg company inforporated company mergers and a company operational s company procurement company product stabi company profiles and...
“依照合同相关规定”一般说“pursuant to provisions contained herein”或“as provided herein”等,不说“according to relevant terms and conditions in the contract” “合同任何一方当事人不得转让本合同”英文表述为“Neither party hereto may assign this contract”,其中“hereto”表示“to the contract”,...
Prior to approval of a contract modification, the guidance under ASC 606 should be applied to the existing contract, until the contract modification is approved. It is possible for a contract modification to be approved even when there is a dispute about the scope and/or price of the ...
added weight added-on participle addendum flank s addendum modification addendum of thread addendun line adder for multiple op adder subtractor adders tongue addhld addict addicted to look swol addiction prone perso addiction to masochis addicts adding a post command adding design adding machine tape...
But the majority of the redundancies can be fixed without user interaction, using either fix in scope or code cleanup. Inspection ID EditorConfig property Default severity '??' condition is known to be null or not null ConstantNullCoalescingCondition resharper_constant_null_coalescing_condition_...
CS9203: A collection expression of this type cannot be used in this context because it may be exposed outside of the current scope. CS9210: This version of System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray<T>cannot be used with collection expressions.In...
Company also reserves the right to charge Customer reasonable “administrative fees” for tasks Company may perform outside the normal scope of its Products; additional time and/or costs Company may incur in providing the Products; and/or Customer’s noncompliance with the Agreements (as determined...
Contract A Solidity contract is a collection of code (its functions) and data (its state) that resides at a specific address on the Ethereum Blockchain. The different components of the contract help in declaring a state variable alongside configuring functions for modification or retrieval of vari...
PSDateAfterModification PSDeleteRetentionPolicy PSEncryptionScope PSEncryptionScopeKeyVaultProperties PSExtendedLocation PSFileServiceProperties PSGeoReplicationStats PSImmutabilityPolicy PSImmutabilityPolicyProperties PSImmutabilityPolicyProperties Constructors Properties AllowProtected...