就是 样本内和样本外
Out-of-Sample Tests of Stock Return Predictability in the Context of Data Mining David E. Rapach Albers School of Business and Economics Seattle University 900 Broadway Seattle, WA 98122-4340 Phone: 206-296-5705 Fax: 206-296-2486 E-mail: rapachd@seattleu.edu Mark E. Wohar* Department of...
The sample is provided to show all of the default providers. Settings in Logging.{PROVIDER NAME}.LogLevel override settings in Logging.LogLevel, where the {PROVIDER NAME} placeholder is the provider name. For example, the level in Debug.LogLevel.Default overrides the level in LogLevel.Default...
__builtin_popcount()用于计算一个 32 位无符号整数有多少个位为1 Counting out the bits 可以很容易的判断一个数是不是2的幂次:清除最低的1位(见上面)并且检查结果是不是0.尽管如此,有的时候需要直到有多少个被设置了,这就相对有点难度 了。 GCC有一...
Sample Code Integration Description SDK Privacy and Security Statement FAQs Health Service Kit Introduction to Health Service Kit Health Service Kit Overview About the Service App-oriented Open Services Device-oriented Open Services Getting Help Accessing Health Kit Health Service Kit Int...
// Contravariant delegate.publicdelegatevoidDContravariant<inA>(A argument);// Methods that match the delegate signature.publicstaticvoidSampleControl(Control control){ }publicstaticvoidSampleButton(Button button){ }publicvoidTest(){// Instantiating the delegates with the methods.DContravariant<Control> ...
It is widely known that significant in-sample evidence of predictability does not guarantee significant out-of-sample predictability. This is often interpreted as an indication that in-sample evidence is likely to be spurious and should be discounted. In this paper, we question this interpretation....