in relation to造句 1. My work is in relation to helping people solve problems. Like a doctor curing patients, I'm committed to finding solutions for those in need. 2. Her interests are in relation to art and music. Isn't it amazing that she canalways get lost in the world of ...
造句例句: 中文:在谈到环境保护时,我们必须考虑到与经济发展之间的关系。 英文:In relation to environmental protection, we must consider its relationship with economic development. 中文:关于这个项目的进度,我们有一些新的信息要分享。 英文:In relation to the progress of this ...
I have a lot to say in relation to that affair.关于那件事我有好多话要说 You are given a map so that you can see where your villa is in relation to the swimming pool.你会拿到一张地图,这样你就能了解自己的别墅与游泳池的相对位置。
与单词:in relation to 相关的例句或者名人名言 The first parameter is the relative size of the object in relation to its parent. 第一个参数是这个对象相比于其父亲的相对大小。 If two drives are on the same cable, you have to specify the priority of one drive in relation to the other. ...
9、关于,有关;与…相比 in relation to。10、与…相比;比作 compared to。11、与…相比较 by comparison; compare with。12、对比之下显出优点 gain by contrast。13、把…比作;与…相比较。14、意思为“把……与……相比” compare ...with。15、与……相比...
1英语短语造句1.bring ...back to sb 2.behave oneself about sth.based on...4have relation to 5.imaging sb.doing sth 6.make/have/let sth 7.get do sth.8.done/doing 9.the reason that...10.have a knowledge of... 2 英语短语造句 1.bring ....
30. enable sb. to do ... 使某人能够做某事 31. wave goodbye 挥别 32. in sympathy with 同情,赞成 33. look over 察看,检查,从...上面看 34. a lack of... 缺少... 35. check with... 与...协商 36. tend to do... 趋向于做...,喜欢做... ...
in relation to 意思是“关于,涉及,与……相比" with regard to 意思是“关于”。 例:1999年月四级第50题 Being a pop star can be quite a hard life,___with a lot of travelling heavy schedules. A) as to B) in relation to C) owing to D) with regard to A)、B) 、D)三个选项...
inrelationto的用法例句英语词典推荐学习词条 英汉词典常见短词用法 字谜推荐 | 笑话推荐 | 对联 | 造句 爱好旅游(打一成语) 年初一晚上打一节目名称 元宵节灯谜:元宵前后共团圆 (打一字) 老赵一走开,完全就变样 (打一食品) 茅台汾酒五粮液,生产流程一样精 (打一成语) 初秋统计,多出一半 (打一字) 意中...
Language Tip The statement is about managing our time well.If we don't plan something,then it may take more time to do it,whereas if we spend time thinking about it advance,it will help us later when we start.In relation to the unit theme,it suggests that having a plan each day can...