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by using geometric pr by using rigorous by using the theory o by using these models by using this system by using this technol by utilizing convolut by watching english p by watching for a pre by waterby boat by xin by young love by your reaction by- bye- less importa by-pa arrester...
Nida’s theory of “readers’ response” emphasizes the importance of the acceptance of a translated text by the intended reader in the receptor language, and avoids the subjective evaluation of the critic. Nida’s theory has practical significance for literary translation in some aspects, but it...
The court or other authority, in appointing an arbitrator, shall have due regard to any qualifications required of the arbitrator by the agreement of the parties and to such considerations as are likely to secure the appointment of an independent and impartial arbitrator and, in the case of a ...
文学翻译中的创造性叛逆——对传统忠实原则局限性的弥补-creative treason in literary translation - making up for the limitation of traditional faithfulness principle AcknowledgmentsIt is my great honor to have the opportunity to do such kind of research on translation theory and practice before I ...
The first interpretation is perhaps more engaging from a philosophical or political perspective. It’s just not what the science is about. FEven the word “theory” can be a problem. Unlike most people, who use the word to describe a passing conjecture that they often regard as suspect, phys...
adopters readinessIS theoriesomics publishing group
aAAA literature did not contribute heavily to the acceptance of the decision-usefulness approach to accounting theory until A Statement of Basic Accounting Theory was published in 1966. AAA文学对决定有用性方法的采纳没有沉重贡献对会计理论1966年,直到基本的会计理论的声明被出版了。[translate]...
For many years, biology was largely descriptive ("natural history"), but with its emergence as a scientific discipline in its own right, a reductionist approach began, which has failed to be matched by adequate understanding of function of cells, organisms and species as whole entities. Every ...
This study examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on loss in decision-making, laziness, and privacy concerns among university students in Pakistan and China. Like other sectors, education also adopts AI technologies to address modern-day cha