Despite the popular notion that Gelasius abolished the Lupercalia, replacing it with the ‘Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there is no evidence to support this. The closest reference that links Lupercalia to any romantic elements of Saint Valentine’s Day, or the blessed vi...
Where the reference is to the old edition, it is indicated by the name of the publisher (Cramoisy), appended to the citation, in brackets. In extracts given in the notes, the antiquated orthography and accentuation are preserved. ] These form but a part of the surviving writings of the ...
this is the reference, upstream version of the game MSEA doesn’t currently have any spawn enhancers. used to have kishin (removed in 2022). GMS has frenzy (but it’s unobtainable) and used to have wild/fury totem and kishin (both removed in 2022). GMS Reboot no longer has spawn enhan...
dosojin statues, etc. a very small statue that is almost identical to thedol hareubangor stone grandfather guardians of Cheju Island of South Korea. Whether this was a donation of a passing migrant from the area of Cheju Island, or that Kosenji Temple ...
Navigating through the shell’s inner labyrinth is virtually impossible, in either direction, for every true passage leads to two false ones, & every locale looks very much like any other. The shell has no food, no water, no air, no gravity, & no points of reference. There has never be...