This error occurs when the SQL Server database is in the "recovery pending" state, which means that the database is not fully available for use. The Recovery Pending state can occur due to various reasons, such as a hardware failure, software issues, or other database-related problems. It...
sql server 数据库inrecovery 终止 sql数据库已停止 元旦节日后上班,客户打电话说系统无法登陆。登陆系统测试,发现首页能进入,输入用户名和密码,提交无法进入主页,查询后台发现执行验证用户和密码的sql语句时,提示“sqlException:数据库已关闭”。使用toad连接数据库,执行相应的sql语句一切正常。查看session状态发现大量inact...
Here, I am sharing one situation when I have faced this issue and What are the possible causes to stuck SQL Server Database in “In Recovery” status/mode. A few days ago, one of our Junior Database Developer was doing some activity in SQL Server 2012 Express Edition. Th...
Recovery在SQL Server启动时也会发生,在数据库启动过程中,SQL Server会检查事务日志,看是否存在已提交或未提交的事务,如果发现在最后一次检查点发生后,还有已提交的事务,则SQL Server会对这些事务进行REDO(ROLL FORWARD);而如果发现未提交的事务,则进行UNDO(ROLL BACK)。 一旦对数据库进行了Recovery,则将无法再进行Re...
I have a database that goes into recovery whenever the server is rebooted or the SQL Server service stopped and restarted.I dont' seem to lose any data so it is more of an annoyance than anything else. The database is quite big (32GB) and takes 10-15 minutes to recover each time....
哦,原来***一个是NOrecovery我们改成Recovery 复制 RESTOREDATABASE[test2]FROMDISK = N'C:\test1.bak'WITHFILE = 1, NORECOVERY,replaceGORESTORE LOG [test2]FROMDISK = N'C:\test1.bak'WITHFILE = 2, NORECOVERYGORESTORE LOG [test2]FROMDISK = N'C:\test1.bak'WITHFILE = 3, RECOVERYGO ...
Additionally, the database is taken offline, and its status is changed to "In Recovery." Resolution Cumulative update information Cumulative update package 1 for SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 1 The fix for this issue was first released in Cumulative Update 1. For more information about how to ...
碎片会影响I/O性能,不过对于位于SQL Server数据缓冲内的数据页而言,碎片
How do you set the database recovery model in SQL Server to Simple?Answer In SQL Server Management Studio (2005 and 2008): Right-click on the Database name and select Properties. On the Options tab identify the drop-down list: Recovery Model. Select Simple from the list. Apply the ...
SQL SERVER数据库 in recovery sql Server数据库中nolock是什么意思,概念介绍 开发人员喜欢在SQL脚本中使用WITH(NOLOCK),WITH(NOLOCK)其实是表提示(table_hint)中的一种。它等同于READUNCOMMITTED。具体的功能作用如下所示(摘自MSDN): 1:指定