foriinrange(4):printi ->0,1,2,3a =range(4)#-->range函数本身就是一个列表输出foriinreversed(a):printi ->3,2,1,0 方法二:利用range本身的特性(左闭右开): #假如你想倒序5的rangeforiinrange(5):printi ->0,1,2,3,4#因为左闭右开特性,这里start要取n-1 也就是4。foriinrange(4,1...
2、在python2中,xrange得到的是生成器对象,占用内存比较小 相同: 它们的使用都是一样的,比如都可以用for循环遍历所有的值 补充: python3中没有xrange,有range,但是python3中的range相当于python2中的xrange。因为使用生成器可以节约内存。 比如现在有个代码是for i in range(0, 10000),如果还是使用py2中的range...
In this short tutorial, we look at how you could use Python to range reverse. We also look at the range() methods with examples. Python range(): The range() function allows you to generate a list of numbers within a specified range. The numbers in the list are specified based on the...
>>> range(6) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> tuple(range(0,-10,-2)) (0, -2, -4, -6, -8) >>> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 使用python的人都知道range()函数很方便,下面再介绍一些用法。 >>> range(1,5) #代表从1到5(不包含5) [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> range(1,5,2) #代表从1到5,...
def reverse_enum(L): for index in reversed(xrange(len(L))): yield index, L[index] L = ['foo', 'bar', 'bas'] for index, item in reverse_enum(L): print index, item #3 L = ['foo', 'bar', 'bas'] for index in reversed(range(len(L))): ...
Thanks for pointing out built-in reverse functionality, you need to go back and create DatetimeIndex to use it in Time Series like this: dTmp = pd.date_range(end='2/08/2014', periods=104, freq='W-Sat', closed = None) dates = [d for d in reversed(dTmp)]` python pandas time-...
2、sorted(obj[,reverse=True])函数 此函数在for循环遍历输出时按元素的值从小到大输出,可设置参数reverse=True,让其从大到小输出,如:说明:此方法其实就是先将列表li按元素的值从小到大重新排序再输出,跟列表内置函数sort()类似,只是此语句执行完后不会对原列表进行进行更改,而sort()是对原列表进行更改。...
Learn how to reverse a String in Python.There is no built-in function to reverse a String in Python.The fastest (and easiest?) way is to use a slice that steps backwards, -1.ExampleGet your own Python Server Reverse the string "Hello World": txt = "Hello World"[::-1]print(txt) ...
#key is the function applied to the arguments to get the answer and lambda #is just a 1 line way to write a function f(x) which returns x[1] (the number in the rows) newerlist.sort(key = lambda x : x[1], reverse = True) a=3 for i in range(3,9): for j in range(0,...