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Diana Radune, April Hatada, Chao-Yang Pan, Kyle Rizzo, J. Bradford Bertumen, Christina Morales, Paul E. Oluniyi, Jenny Nguyen, Jessica Tan, Doug Stryke, Rayah Jaber, Matthew T. Leslie, Pediatric Hepatitis of Unknown Etiology Working Group, … Charles Y. Chiu Show...
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25. Dechorgnat J, Nguyen CT, Armengaud P. From the soil to the seeds: The long journey of nitrate in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2011;62:1349-1359. DOI: 10.1093/jxb/erq409 26. Léran S, Varala K, Boyer J. A unified nomenclature of nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporte...
Tunisian has a high diversity of plants as a result of the variation in topography climate and edaphic conditions of the country. Among these plants several aromatic and medicinal species are traditionally used in folk medicines to treat and/or manage co
terasawacho teratogenic action teratoma of the testi teratoma with maligna teratoscincus scincus teratozephyrus yugaii terebinthine terebra maculata terebratulid terebratulidina terenura spodioptila terephthalic acid teresa teresa bee teresa mo barbara teresa of avila saint teresopolis tergagap terivalid...
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Nguyen, K. Natarajan, R. Villasmil, P. Wang, Z. Karabekian, S.D. Lytton, C.C. Chan, R.R. Caspi Breakdown of immune privilege and spontaneous autoimmunity in mice expressing a transgenic T cell receptor specific for a retinal autoantigen J. Autoimmun., 44 (2013), pp. 21-33 View ...
Prior to this study, complete mitochondrial genomes from Order Thysanoptera were restricted to a single family, the Thripidae, resulting in a biased view of their evolution. Here we present the sequences for the mitochondrial genomes of four additional t
Article Potential Impact of the REDD+ Program on Poverty Reduction in Nghe An Province, Vietnam Nguyen Dinh Tien 1,* ID , Roberto F. Rañola, Jr. 2 and Pham Thu Thuy 3 1 Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES), Vietnam National University of Agriculture, Hanoi ...