if (ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract", 1, 0)) { await FullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync(); AppServiceHandler.Instance.MessageReceivedEvent += Instance_MessageReceivedEvent; } } Instance_MesssageReceivedEvent就是简单的把从Backgroun...
早期的App Service应用场景较为单一,但随着Win10 1607版本对In Process AppService的支持,以及从Visual Studio2017开始支持的Desktop Extension和MSIX Package等一系列技术的应用,如今的App Service可以用于UWP和非UWP程序间的直接通讯,达到无限接近传统桌面程序的能力。我们今天就先来看一下In Process App Service。 In ...
The Details section displays the priority, process name, when the instance is due to complete, status, creation time, and the assignee if any. If the process instance has any gateways resulting in multiple threads (paths) that are still running, the Open Activities section displays the status ...
Unhandled C++ exceptions can disrupt the execution of the process. During runtime, they will cause termination of the application. Under the debugger, it is possible to continue after the unhandled exception. C++ exceptions occur when the runtime library's exception raise fu...
Credential::ReportResult (ntsStatus = 0) 33. Credential::UnAdvise First, the console session LogonUI process is started by winlogon. Upon creation, LogonUI enumerates all of the credential providers registered under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credenti...
{base.OnNavigatedTo(e);if(ApiInformation.IsApiContractPresent("Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustAppContract",1,0)) {awaitFullTrustProcessLauncher.LaunchFullTrustProcessForCurrentAppAsync(); AppServiceHandler.Instance.MessageReceivedEvent+=Instance_MessageReceivedEvent; ...
The application must request a restart by using the standard restart code, a 3010 exit code. This ensures that the task sequence step will handle the restart correctly. If the application does return a 3010 exit code, the underlying task sequence engine performs the restart. After the restart,...
Development Process Integrating SDKs Setting In-app Default Parameter Values Setting Parameter Values in Remote Configuration Fetching Parameter Values from Remote Configuration (Optional) Updating Remote Configuration Parameters in Real Time (Optional) Configuring Multiple Data Processing Locations ...
Instead, they must refresh the Application Catalog and check the approval status. Users will not receive revisions and updates for applications that are published to the Application Catalog. However, they will see changes to application information in the Application Catalog. If you remove an ...