The needle was inserted from the cranial side of the probe and advanced caudally parallel to the body axis using an in-plane technique. The block was performed after disinfection with povidone-iodine, with a sterilized probe cover attached to the probe....
The use of high-volumes allows the fascial plane to open releasing the intra-fascial adhesions. This technique is well-described in the pertinent literature and is known as ultrasound-guided fascial hydro dissection. Indeed, the seeding technique is the best way to optimize the layer-by-layer di...
Objective To evaluate the anesthetic and analgesic effect of ultrasound-guided transversus abodominis plane(TAP) block in pediatric inguinal surgery. Methods Fifty ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ patients, aged 3~8 years old, undergoing inguinal surgery, were randomly divided into the general anesthesia group(group A...
Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block (US-TAPb) for robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a novel '4-point' technique-results of a prospectiv... Several works stress the importance of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block (TAPb) for post-operative analgesia and its versatili...
Keywords: inter-rater reliability;intra-rater reliability;muscle ultrasound;muscle thickness;ultrasound feasibility
Assessment of vascular phenotype using a novel very-high-resolution ultrasound technique in adolescents after aortic coarctation repair and/or stent implantation: relationship to central haemodynamics and left ventricular mass Heart, 97 (2011), pp. 1788-1793 Google Scholar 80 M. Couade, M. Pernot,...
Remote regulation of cells in deep tissue remains a significant challenge. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound offers promise for in vivo therapies due to its non-invasive nature and precise control. This study uses pulsed ultrasound to control calcium influ
Each technique has its advantages and limitations.30 The guided technique provides a predicted needle trajectory but is limited by the fixed angle. The number of fixed angles depends on the needle guide, ranging from 1 to 4. The trajectory can be changed using the same incision point by ...
This work reports the results of a theoretical and numerical study showing the occurrence of stochastically resonating bistable dynamic in polymeric micro-bead of sub-micrometric size with stiff core and soft shell. The system, submerged in water, is exc
With the ongoing efforts to improve the safety of the procedure, the techniques for SGB have evolved over time, from the use of the standard blind technique, to fluoroscopy, and recently to the ultrasound (US)-guided approach. Over the past few years, there has been a growing interest in ...