You can use both in the same sentence, if it will help you to remember how to keep them separate (although it will probably not be a very elegant sentence): 'You'll need to come in person to collect your hyphen at the in-person workshop on "How to properly use hyphens."' Share...
the doings of show-biz stars, haut-monde notables, perennial personages D. all of the above 3 Bold faced, with a hyphen and ending in the adjectival -ed, was coined by Shake speare in Henry VI, Part I, when Lord Talbot, rescuing his son on a French battlefield, spoke of his "...
clause,butnowyoujustneedahyphen.Everythingcanbeeasily solved. AnounplusX. X=adjectives,presentparticiples,pastparticiples,nouns, prepositions 1.noun+presentparticiple Job-seekingguidejobguide Peace-loving,people,apeacelovingperson Noise-makingboynoisyboy Mouth-wateringbabybabywithsaliva Head-scratchingpuzzlemen...
Background: We describe JD, a person with severe phonological dyslexia. JD is good at reading words yet is extremely poor at reading nonwords. She shows no effect of word regularity on her reading performance. However, she has only a very mild general phonological deficit. Although it is ...
Hyphens have a lot of uses in writing. Let's go over each with examples: 1. Hyphens Connect Compound Numbers. The most common mistake with hyphen use that I've encountered happens when talking about ages. Example: Francie is twenty-six years old. She is a twenty-six-year-old woman. ...
two names that are joined by a hyphen patriarchal controlled by men bias unfair support or opposition to a person, thing or idea wear the trousers a person in a mariage/partnership who has the control and makes the decisions fo...
is a mixed-race society, a world where “race” means “species.” One is a human born in the world of Neveyah, a large minotaur from the Bull God’s world, or a small person with rat-like features from the Mountain God’s world. Those are the only racial differences people notice...
▍In&Than*_..【帕特万】What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少
Not only did Naoki show us a great and inclusive time, but it was educational as well, giving an inside perspective into what life is like as an LGBTQ person in Japan. It was truly an international coming together of "family", and one of th...
You can search your desire word meaning same as Solid meaning in the Hindi language with detailed information as synonyms, similar word are also provided on the related pages. Be bilingual; learn a lot of new words as a person feel better to communicate if he/she has sufficient vocabulary ...