i can make the runner i can meet a person i i can never see whats i can not make me sad i can rerate to i can smile at the ol i can taste your summ i can tell you that t i cant help eating sw i cant believe how mu i cant believe that r i cant believe that i cant bel...
When the application is installed on the user’s computational environment, then the person who installed it, usually, the user, has the responsibility. However, it is sometimes impossible to install the same version of application on user’s environment that is installed on HPC systems due to ...
Precision medicine is a new frontier in healthcare that uses scientific methods to customize medical treatment to the individual genes, anatomy, physiology, and lifestyle of each person. In cardiovascular health, precision medicine has emerged as a promising paradigm to enable cost-effective solutions...
though nutraceuticals have been shown to exhibit remarkable properties, the response varies from person to person. They are the finest solutions for treating lifestyle-related mental problems because consuming them in acceptable and advised dosages promotes good neurological health and wards...
I am deeply in debt to numerous Jotï for their collaboration, friendship and willingness to share with me their homes, wisdom and lives: they took care of me and taught me many things among them to be a better person, to understand more love and pain, life and death. I will always ...
direct human performance Provider – Operator TRINA robot version 1.0, a telenursing robot design to assist providers to perform a variety of clinical tasks Active Controlling interaction The use of robot is promising but 1:1 fidelity to the capabilities of the human person requires further research...
149-151, 10.1017/iop.2021.38 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Kossek, Lautsch and Eaton, 2006 E.E. Kossek, B.A. Lautsch, S.C. Eaton Telecommuting, control, and boundary management: Correlates of policy use and practice, job control, and work-family effectiveness Journal of Vocational Behavior...
recording of data control software was acquired during the experimental procedure. These videos are available in supplementary materialsS2(sample in left lower outer quadrant location) andS3(sample in right upper inner quadrant location). The person demonstrating hand-held use of the detector in Figs...
Mutations in theSOD1gene have been the first described cause of familial ALS [43]. Since 1993, more than 150 missense mutations have been described inSOD1, all updated on the ALSoD website (http://alsod.iop.kcl.ac.uk/). Unfortunately, individual mutations are poorly correlated with clinic...
only one person, who obtains more or less some subsets of the knowledge of each discipline, is demanded. Computational fluid dynamics is a powerful tool that is employed in many fluid engineering applications. In many industries such as aviation and automotive, CFD is an integral part of the ...