Definition of In Perpetuity in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is In Perpetuity? Meaning of In Perpetuity as a legal term. What does In Perpetuity mean in law?
adv.Law In one's own person, especially without representation by an attorney. [Medieval Latinin propriā persōnā: Latinin,in+ Latinpropriā: feminine ablative sing. ofproprius,one's own+ Latinpersōnā, ablative ofpersōna,person.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishin perpetuitylawfor allfuturetimeSYNforeverThe land had been promised to the Indian tribes in perpetuity.→perpetuityExamples from the Corpusin perpetuity•Thecommunitydoes not ownlandin perpetuity.
in perpetuity in perpetuum in person in personam in petto in place in play in point of fact in posse in practice In present in principle in print in private In process In proper In proportion in propria persona in public In purpose
2. In the civil law, real has not the same meaning as it has in the common law. There it signifies what relates to a thing, whether it be movable or immovable, lands or goods; thus, a real injury is one which is done to a thing, as a trespass to property, whether it be real...
It is perhaps not very difficult to conceive of the possibility that God could have kept all the intelligent moral agents He created in a sinless state in perpetuity. We are given enough information about angels to know that those angels who did not fall nor leave their original state3 are...
deepin-desktop-base | deepin-desktop-server | deepin-desktop-device 安装 构建过程 确保已经安装所有依赖库。 不同发行版的软件包名称可能不同,如果您的发行版提供了dde-file-manager,请检查发行版提供的打包脚本。 如果你使用的是Deepin或其他提供了文件管理器的基于Debian的发行版: ...
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed ...
At the very least they show an unorthodox preference for a contingent construction when the interest is alleged to create a perpetuity. The concept of a remainder vested in interest developed out of the problem of destructibility, which no longer exists today. The transplanting of this confusing...
To publish; utter; transfer; circulate; impose fraudulently. This is the meaning of the word when referring to the offense ofpassingcounterfeit money or a forged paper. As a noun, permission to pass; a license to go or come; a certificate, emanating from authority, wherein it is declared...