Winning Elections the Democratic Way: Political Parties and Internal Party Democracy in Post-Communist Europefunctional equilibriumgrowth modelnet assimilation ratenitrogen nutritionshoot/root ratioZea mays Lwill be provided by author.doi:10.1128/CMR.00002-15...
Political donations bring about transfers of interests after elections, political polarization further intensifies antagonism and division in the U.S. society, and legislation and gerrymander restricting voting eligibility have become tools for parties to suppress the public opinion. The operation of the U...
The two parties have different approaches to immigration. In June 2012, then president Barack Obama signed an executive order allowing young undocumented immigrants, who arrived in the United States before they had turned 16, had resided in the country for at least five years, and were currently...
According to American political scientist Howard Tolley, an authority on international interest groups, without political parties and elections to voice concerns at the international level, nongovernmental pressure groups are even more vital in world politics than interest groups are at the domestic level...
Farage, who has served in the European Union parliament (on a pro-Brexit stance) but repeatedly failed to win a seat in the U.K. legislature, stepped down as party leader in March 2021. After previously stating he would not stand as an MP in 2024 in order to focus on supporting Donald...
The impact of the political parties, elections and referendums act (2000) on trade union election campaigning in 2001magnetic resonance imaginglumbar spineanomalous nerve rootsdiagnostic imagingmyelographyThe combination of advanced fabrication techniques and characterization tools to investigate the effect of...
Political partiesare organizations that unite around anideologyand seek to gain political office in order to develop their views and policies inlaw. They are the base upon which the business of thelegislatureis organized and conducted.Electionsare fought and successful candidates find their seats in ...
Dionyssis Dimitrakopoulos and Argyris Passas argue that in the lead up to the election, populist 'patriotic' parties have pursued a rhetorical strategy aimed at misleading voters about the real relationship between 'national independence' as they define it and membership of the Eurozone....
ZAGREB, April 17 (Xinhua) -- Parliamentary elections in Croatia kicked off on Wednesday morning, with 2,302 candidates from 59 political parties and independent candidates competing for 151 seats in the parliament. According to the State Election Commission, over 3.73 million registered voters, both...
By November 2021Boris Johnson's government was losing its appeal, and Johnson's personal approval rating had fallen to a record low. Following a disastrous decision to order his MP's to change the law in order to protect an MP accused of corruption, Johnson was forced to make a U-turn ...