The meaning of IN is —used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits. How to use in in a sentence.
《In Orbit》正片欣赏 《In Orbit》是在世界动画名校法国高布兰动画学院学习的陈涵虚导演的毕业设计。 这部短片由五位高布兰同学历时一年共同完成。主创团队的成员包括陈涵虚导演在内,分别来自中国、印度、巴西、美国、法国五个文化底蕴各不相同的国家,他们的作品凝结了亚洲欧洲北美洲和南美洲的创意力量和想法。 这是一...
in orbit Advertisement Definitions(0) Idioms and PhrasesWord of the Day Advertisement Discover More Idioms and Phrases Thrilled, delighted, as inDean's in orbit over his son's success. This expression alludes to the successful launching into orbit of a satellite or other spacecraft. [ Slang ;...
Orbit features a sun compass accurately tracks the sun position. Use augmented reality to track the sun position, with a pointer on the iPhone camera pointing you to the right direction. Add multiple locations to keep track of the day length, sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk time, sun ...
However, the spin-orbit coupling can convert an orbital current jL into a spin current jS, generating torques on the magnetization. Several studies have identified the spin torques originating from OHE or OREE in heterostructures37,38. According to the Onsager reciprocal relation, the inverse effect...
Perturbing influences from the orbital environment on the atoms such as varying magnetic fields and the passage of the spacecraft through Earth's radiation belt are also controlled and mitigated. With appropriate parameters settings, closed-loop locking of the CAC is realized in orbit and an ...
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in-orbit maintenance of extravehicular facilities 北京时间3月2日13时32分,经过约8小时的出舱活动,神舟十七号航天员汤洪波、唐胜杰、江新林密切协同,在空间站机械臂和地面科研人员的配合支持下,完成全部既定任务,神十七航天员乘组第二次出舱活动取...
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Spin–orbit coupling (SOC) is the key to realizing time-reversal-invariant topological phases of matter1,2. SOC was predicted by Kane and Mele3 to stabilize a quantum spin Hall insulator; however, the weak intrinsic SOC in monolayer graphene4–7 has prec