4、SQL Window页面的显示行号设置:Tools->Preferences->(右侧导航)Window Types-SQL Window->Show gutter[line numbers] 5、简单的测试sql,查询当前用户下所有table 简单应用,面向oracle sql to plsql入门级别,其它详细使用可参见:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQIKvCY...
1createorreplaceprocedureout_proc (2p_a outnumber,--使用OUT模式3p_b outnumber4)as5begin6DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('p_a :'||p_a) ;--输出参数值7DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('p_b :'||p_b) ;8end; 目前out_proc过程体内并没有对参数进行赋值,编写一个PLSQL块,进行验证该过程。 1declare2v_anumber;...
PL/SQL uses the command file$ORACLE_HOME/plsql/spnc_commands, and the supported operating system C compiler and linker, to compile and link the resulting C code into shared libraries. The shared libraries are stored in the data dictionary, so that they can be backed up automatically and are...
postgresql 存储过程 for rec in plsql存储过程包 Oracle数据库之PL/SQL包 1. 简介 包(PACKAGE)是一种数据对象,它是一组相关过程、函数、变量、常量和游标等PL/SQL程序设计元素的组合,作为一个完整的单元存储在数据库中,用名称来标识。 包类似于JAVA或C#语言中的类,包中的变量相当于类中的成员变量,过程和...
Every SQL statement executed by the Oracle database has a private SQL area that contains information about the SQL statement and the set of data returned. In PL/SQL, a cursor is a name assigned to a specific private SQL area for a specific SQL statement. There can be either static cursors...
[1] http://www.databasesecurity.com/oracle/plsql-injection-create-session.pdf [2] http://www.databasesecurity.com/dbsec/cursor-injection.pdf [3] http://www.databasesecurity.com/dbsec/cursor-snarfing.pdf [4] http://www.ngssoftware.com/ �©...
There are three categories of exceptions in PL/SQL: internally defined, predefined, and user defined. Aninternally defined exceptionis one that is raised internally by an Oracle Database process; this kind of exception always has an error code but does not have a name unless it is assigned on...
Fortunately, Oracle Database and PL/SQL provide a set of true date and time data types that store both date and time information in a standard internal format, and they also have an extensive set of built-in functions for manipulating the date and time. ...
plsql代码块; exception 异常处理部分; end; ORACLE异常分为两种类型:系统异常、自定义异常。其中系统异常又分为:预定义异常和非预定义异常。 预定义异常常见如下: INVALID_CURSOR:ORA-01001,当视图从未打开游标,提取数据,或者关闭未打开游标时会触发 NO_DATA_FOUND:ORA-01403执行SELECT INTO 未返回行或者引用了未初...