Conclusion With the new prebuilt Project Analytics capability in Oracle Fusion ERP Analytics, PMOs can spearhead projects and make strategic decisions with laser focus and integrated insights. With this powerful new analytics feature, project managers can now analyze costs, budgets, forecasts, spend, a...
Beim Laden von Daten inOracle Cloud ERPmüssen Sie die Eingabedaten in das erforderliche CSV-Format umwandeln und die Dateien dann in eine einzelne ZIP-Datei komprimieren. Im Beispiel in diesem Playbook wird dieser Transformationsschritt demonstriert, indem eine vereinfachte JSON-Datenstruktur angen...
Quando si trascina l'adattatore Oracle Cloud ERP nelle aree di trigger e richiamo di un'integrazione, viene visualizzata la procedura guidata Configurazione endpoint Oracle Cloud ERP. La procedura guidata assiste l'utente nella configurazione delle propr
Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite是为了满足不断变化的客户需求而设计和打造的一套完整的云应用,而 Oracle Cloud ERP 正是它的其中一个产品。Oracle Cloud ERP 可以助力企业通过无接触式运营、预测性洞察和嵌入式协作功能快速优化业务。此外,Oracle Cloud ERP 每 90 天推出新的机...
As 2024 comes to a close, it’s rewarding to reflect on all the progress we’ve made across Oracle Cloud ERP this past year.
In a prior blog on How to Secure Data Access to Procure to Pay Transactions in Oracle Cloud ERP, we highlighted the importance of Segregation of duties (SoD).
Moreover, Oracle announced the same generative AI service across its Fusion ERP suite, which should improve the service given more customers will be using it in varied situations. [NetSuite is] getting on par, if not even better, than Microsoft Dynamics 365. For the global finances, they ...
▲2024甲骨文全球云大会(Oracle CloudWorld 2024)现场 Fusion Applications是甲骨文一套基于云的综合性企业资源规划(ERP)、供应链管理(SCM)、人力资本管理(HCM)和客户体验(CX)等解决方案,旨在帮助企业客户提高工作流的速度和准确性、加快决策以及增加收入。据甲骨文方面透露,其生成式AI功能可以访问Meta参数量...
Over time, Oracle made acquisitions of similar software groups such as Hyperion, Siebel, Peoplesoft and JD Edwards. Fusion Application is...#Fusion more details... ERP Healthcheck The prime objective of implementing an ERP system is to incorporate effective business process that pave path for the...
A string representing the type of Task as defined by the user from a list of types editable in the Infusionsoft application. Priority priority integer The priority of the task. Completed completed boolean A boolean indicating the completed status of the task. URL url string The link to the...