Artificial intelligence (AI) is all the rage right now. If you flip open the agenda for this year's tech-focused Zhongguancun Forum, you'll find at least five AI-related events on the list of topics. The International Data Corporation says China's AI
Med Decisions kan användarna förbättra samarbete, engagemang och produktivitet med hjälp av agendabyggare, Teams-tillägg i mötet, säker röstning, mallar för minuter, uppgiftshantering med mera. Länk till Google Play (Android), Länk till App Store (iOS)...
"China has made enormous progress over the last 40 years with its reform and opening-up agenda, and now it will need to make the jump to become a fully developed economy with good living standards and strong innovation capabilities, represented by the new quality productive forces. We have se...
Outlook's calendar section has a straightforward design, and it fits right in on Android. Events can be viewed in an agenda, day, three-day, and monthly view, notifications let you know when an event is coming, and you can add an agenda widget to your homescreen. More advanced options ...
Here, that space is used for an agenda view or your reminders. It's a small thing, but it reflects how carefully the developers thought about every design element to make the calendar intuitive to use. Another little thing: if an identical event shows up in two calendars, it will only ...
McKinsey at MWC 2025: What’s on the agenda? McKinsey’s Andrea Travasoni and Brendan Gaffey are among the tens of thousands convening in Barcelona this week for Mobile World Congress (MWC) to explore the most pressing topics in telecom and technology. Learn more Africa: The next telco...
During the meeting, you might need to give your opinion on the different agenda items which you are discussing.You might also need to react to other people's suggestions.会议当中你可能需要对讨论的各议事项目发表意见。你也许需要回应他人的建议。How can you do this? When making suggestions, modal...
De webversie van Outlook Nieuwe Outlook voor Windows U kunt iemand in uw organisatie toestemming geven om uw Outlook-agenda te beheren door deze persoon toegang te geven tot bewerken of delegeren. Wanneer u bewerkingsmachtigingen toewijst, kan de persoon die u deelt uw agenda we...
be scalable, and more efficient. However, the network alone can’t sort out a transformation agenda. It has to be supported with an IT agenda as well. Our focus has been on the BSS front. We've been looking at cloud technology and making our CRM system more agile and simple to use....
To add a note or information about the appointment, such as an agenda or program, press the Tab key until Narrator announces "Message, editing," and then type your note. With JAWS you hear: "Edit," and with NVDA you hear: "Message, edit. Multiline."...