Scientists have found that exposure 8 this hormone puts us in a trusting 9: In a Swiss study, researchers sprayed oxytocin into the noses of half the subjects; those subjects were ready to lend significantly higher amounts of money to strangers than were their 10 who inhaled something else。
As pointed out by OECD (2019), skills and values will prepare students for emerging occupations. The students’ endorsement suggests that they are also aware of essential skills and values that will support them. It is worth noting that issues dealing with health, the environment, financial, ...
Asbestoswas widely used throughout the 20th century across many industries and occupations. Companies added asbestos to many products, threatening the health of unsuspecting consumers and workers. One of the ways that the heat-resistant and insulation properties of asbestos were applied in consumer prod...
exposure to public spaces due to this fear of crime, what happens to those women for whom the urban space is also their workplace and whose work occurs solely in such public spaces? This article explores the daily challenges of women working in the Spanish transport sector, specifically as ta...
Work pressures exist in many occupations. When work demands/pressures exceed a person’s perceived abilities, occupational stress can result and, if prolonged, can lead to negative consequences for the worker and their professional efficiency (Maslach & Leiter, 2016; Westman & Eden, 1996; Yusoff ...
People also pointed to certain occupations, such as working in the forest and fishing, as demanding and tiring and, therefore, also likely to increase one’s susceptibility to illness including malaria. With the belief that those who are weak and having low ‘immunity’ are the only ones for...
Tips for Protecting Hearing in Noisy OccupationsThere are practical steps you can take to minimize the risk of hearing damage in a noisy workplace. In fact, permanent hearing loss related to loud noise exposure can almost always be prevented with adequate preparation and care. Employers should: ...
For employed women, occupations were then classified as manual or non-manual32. Housewives and unemployed were combined in a single category due to the small number of housewife participants’ after confirmation that these groups were homogeneous for study variables (smoking, smoking cessation, and ...
In addition, flight simulation is only one of the aviation career exploration activities. There are many other occupations in the aviation industry which require diversified skills such as air traffic control, radio communication, aircraft maintenance and cabin crew operation. Due to the time ...
Occupational exposure to HIV infection among healthcare workers is becoming a global public health concern. However, there is limited evidence about occupational exposure of healthcare workers to HIV and utilization of post-exposure prophylaxis in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Accordingly, this study was ...