Fries animal style沾满了cheese、烤洋葱和特別酱料 (比千岛酱更浓稠)的薯条Fries Light比正常更早一些拿出见过的薯条,通常里面比較生,也比较不脆Fries Well-Done: fries light放在煎锅比较久的薯条,所以特別脆也特別油Cheese Fries薯条上有着融化的cheeseNeapolitan shake所有的奶昔口味都混在一起,有香草、巧克力和草...
在火烈鸟酒店旁边的IN N OUT ,挺好吃的,味道确实是不错,而且也不算很贵,一个套餐10块左右,double double真的很棒,两片厚实的肉饼配着芝士吃起来很爽。店里人很多,取餐要等号,店里坐的也很满。 dotSource: 喜欢的菜: double double 回应 2024-07-28 04:43 ...
Extra-Well-Done:那么这个应该你就跟在吃薯片没有太大的区别。 Light-Well-Done:听起来虽然很龟毛,但是如果你真的觉得Well-Done太脆,普通又太软,那就试试中间的吧。 Light:比普通的薯条稍微生一点,所以软一点,貌似更健康一点。 当然还有口味上的变化: Cheese Fries:似乎是加拿大名吃Poutine(薯条 起司 Gravy)的精...
In-N-Out一般店面都不大,工作人员手法很娴熟 是的,你没看错,In-N-Out可点餐的汉堡有三种,汉堡、起士汉堡、与“双层起司堡”(两片牛肉、两片起士);炸薯条与饮料;以及三种味道的奶昔。汉堡中放莴苣、番茄,并且顾客可以选择放入洋葱。In-N-Out的汉堡中放有一种特色酱料,以千岛酱制作。这一些...
1948年在加州Baldwin Park创店的In-N-Out一眨眼之间已经走过七十多年的风风雨雨,并且成为加州人民引以为傲的汉堡快餐品牌。其实无需赘述,“里和外”在我们加州土著们心目中的地位当然是神圣不可侵犯的(恩虽然Shake Shack马上要来了)。这不仅仅体现在drive-thru永远排着大长队和dine-in永远人满为患的受欢迎程度上...
27. extra toast,medium rare 面包烤酥+五分熟牛肉的汉堡 28. mustard grilled burger 烤黄芥末汉堡 29. putting fries in burger 自己加薯条到汉堡里面的趣味吃法 In-N-Out是个有个性的快餐店,但它家的汉堡,确实是你能在美国吃到的最好吃汉堡之一,性价比极其高。
it being understood it blossoms again it brings you me the it came out again it can be observed th it can happen to anyo it can not be hypothe it can undarken the n it caresses your brok it changed colors aga it changes because yo it code it could be dangerous it couldve been i...
Combos Include French Fries and Medium Drink Double-Double Burger $6.70 Cheeseburger $5.65 Hamburger $5.35 Drinks Soft Drink Small $1.50 Soft Drink Medium $1.65 Soft Drink Large $1.85 Soft Drink Extra Large $2.05 Shakes $2.15 Milk $0.99 Coffee $1.35 In-N-Out is an old fast-food restaurant...
it came out again it can be observed th it can happen to anyo it can not be hypothe it can undarken the n it caresses your brok it changed colors aga it changes because yo it code it could be dangerous it couldve been i did it desktop it develops fairly fa it did enter my mind...
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