三种汉堡风别是:双肉饼双芝士汉堡(DoubleDouble);芝士汉堡(Cheese Burger);汉堡(Hamburger)。 不过IN N OUT是有秘密菜单(Secret Menu),大家以后可以照着图片点了,有兴趣的同学可以试着把所有的款式都order一下,看哪种最适合自己的口味。 1、Fries in a Burg...
如果你担心口味不够重,或者只是想自己创造属于自己的Secret Menu,记得问做汉堡的小哥要其他的佐料就好了,包括: 33. The Secret Sauce:也就是涂在Animal Style汉堡和薯条上味道略像千岛酱的酱料。可以要来试一试,看看会不会喜欢Animal Style;如果真的很喜欢,不如多要几包回家自己做汉堡(当然也可以拌饭,个人喜好)。
Fries animal style沾满了cheese、烤洋葱和特別酱料 (比千岛酱更浓稠)的薯条Fries Light比正常更早一些拿出见过的薯条,通常里面比較生,也比较不脆Fries Well-Done: fries light放在煎锅比较久的薯条,所以特別脆也特別油Cheese Fries薯条上有着融化的cheeseNeapolitan shake所有的奶昔口味都混在一起,有香草、巧克力和草...
22.Well Done Fries The Secret: French Fries cooked a little longer to give them a little extra crunch Availability:most locations How To Order: Well Done Fries → Does In-N-Out Burger have a secret menu? For those of you who want to see pictures of the tasty In-N-Out Burger secret ...
带烤芝士的薯条(Grilled Cheese Fries):在薯条上添加芝士片,让薯条更加美味。 隐形汉堡(The Invisible Burger):只有蔬菜和汉堡肉饼,没有其他配料,适合减脂肪人士。 3x3、4x4、5x5等多层汉堡(3x3, 4x4, 5x5 Burgers):在汉堡中添加更多的牛肉饼和芝士,让汉堡更加丰富。 总的来说,IN-N-OUT汉堡的Secret Menu提供...
Unleash your inner foodie as you unveil the hidden treasures of the In-N-Out secret menu. From mouthwatering animal fries to tantalizing Neapolitan shakes, our food recommendation app offers an extensive collection of unique and delectable items that go beyond the regular menu. Indulge in the rich...
French Fries Cheese Slice 4X4 Protein Style Hamburger with Onion (No Spread) Coffee In-n-Out Burger Full Menu Prices Nutrition Info Secret Menu Date Modified - 11/05/2024 Related Restaurant's Full Menu Prices Benihana Full Menu Prices
Fries animal style 沾满了cheese、烤洋葱和特别酱料 (比千岛酱更浓稠)的薯条 Fries Light 比正常更早一些拿出见过的薯条,通常里面比较生,也比较不脆 Fries Well-Done: fries light 放在煎锅比较久的薯条,所以特别脆也特别油 Cheese Fries 薯条上有着融化的cheese Neapolitan shake 所有的奶昔口味都混...
Learn how to order whole grilled onions from the In-N-Out Secret Menu right here! Most have tried grilled onions, but many haven't had them grilled whole!
🌴可以这么说In-N-Out汉堡店是很多旅客来到洛杉矶国际机场打卡第一站,或者是在去机场前的最后一站!不论是着陆后或起飞前,在这里休息填饱肚子已经成为不少当地人或者游客的习惯。坐在室外餐桌旁就餐,还可以看着大飞机起降,也是一种消磨时光的完美选择。 🧐这家店究竟有多有名呢?李安在领了小金人之后立马就去...