Fremont gets In-N-Out that may prove bigger is betterScott Wong, STAFF WRITER
In-N-Out Burger(pacific commons boulevard)16 条评价 人均: 66 元 口味: 7.6 环境: 7.5 服务: 7.9 地址: 43349 Pacific Commons Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538 电话: (800) 786-10** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(16) 全部 图片(13) 好评(12) 中评(4) 差评(0) leo0617 菜品确实单一,只有汉堡和薯条...
在马来西亚大受欢迎的马来式汉堡(Ramly Burger),是当地特色美食之一,现在在湾区也能尝到这种充满马来西亚地道风味的汉堡啦! 这款马来式汉堡是这家店最新推出的招牌特色轻食之一,特点在于毫不吝啬的酱料,是店家特别从马来西亚空运过来的地道风味,酸酸甜甜,有种越吃越开胃的感觉。 汉堡外层面包松软,里面夹有洋葱生菜、...
如果王家卫要给加州告别:呼啸而过的是海边一片又一片的棕榈树,追着日落,啃着In-N-Out,天色已是粉红。5号高速右边高耸的Denny's已经亮了霓虹灯,明明不喜欢吃汉堡薯条,但是已经喜欢晚上排队买冰激凌。也不知道加州究竟有多少条叫el comino real的路,但是我去过很多叫Fremont的地方。看过每年独立日的烟花,就像我...
linda n Fremont, California 378 Reviewed September 27, 2016 Just a good burger, In N Out In N Out the minute you walk in you notice how clean it is, good start. The burgers are small in size, but you can add as many to your hamburger as you want. The fres...
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Vegas experience, it's best to stay on The Strip, preferably at one of the major resorts. Take in a show, wander through the resorts, do some shopping, and see some of the attractions. But, make sure to at least visit nearby downtown Las Vegas to see Fremont Street, preferably at ...
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