很多人会推荐“In-N-Out Burger”。这家创立于1948年的汉堡店代表了加州的drive thru文化。在加州,几乎到哪里都要开车,而In-N-Out是第一家可以开车drive in在窗口买汉堡,再drive out的汉堡店,是地道的加州当地体验之一。第一家In-N-Out成立于南加州洛杉矶东部的Baldwin Park。这次和朋友从洛杉矶开车去北加州,...
餐厅详情 相册9 In-N-Out Burger 4.5分 34条点评人均¥43快餐简餐 深夜营业 洛杉矶当地风味餐厅榜 No.10 上榜理由:拥有超高人气汉堡店,使用新鲜农产品入馔 连锁快餐招牌汉堡广受好评 口碑店铺回头客众多 种草17%的用户收藏 营业中 10:30-1:30 露天座位宝宝椅服饰要求 电话 9149 S Sepulveda ...
据说Shake Shack 和 In-N-Out是东西两岸的霸主,作为吃货又怎能不打卡呢?可惜是Drive Thru餐厅,只有旁边几张露天的小桌椅,我步行十分钟打包回酒店... 展开评价 赞(3)回应 2019-07-16 12:47 欢迎光臨 人均:27元 今天试试叫个双漢堡包,份量质量好吃! 喜欢的...
in n out 到他们家点餐一定要点double-double 非常新鲜 难得会有很多蔬菜 可惜这家木有drive-thru,偶尔会有停车位也满了的情况 那也得等好不好 大家都为他家的汉堡疯狂 赞(1)回应 2017-02-01 00:46 大众点评一号公路汉堡频道为您提供In-N-Out Burger地址,电话,最新菜单等最新商户信息,找一号公路美食,就...
第一家In-N-Out在洛杉矶市郊Baldwin Park开业; 同年,创始人发明了世界上第一个带有双向扬声器的Drive-Thru售卖方式。 (图片来自官网ins 版权属于原作者) 1961年 首次出现客制Animal Style Burger。 (图片来自Insider 版权属于原作者) 1963年 首次推出Double-Double,后来大受欢迎并加入常规菜单。
Welcome to our restaurant in La Habra, CA. At In-N-Out Burger we use only the freshest ingredients with no heat lamps, freezers or microwaves to deliver on our promise of Quality You Can Taste®. Restaurant Details Drive-thru and Patio Seating Available Directions SE corner of Lambert...
肯德基前十都没有挤进去。同样悲剧的还有Burger King,前十里也木有他的踪影。 啊Loser Club... In-N-Out作为大加州的土特产之王,兼具食物品质和超高性价比的快餐品牌,死忠拥趸前赴后继在烈日炎炎下Drive Thru大排长队。 一水儿大牌明星心甘情愿为其免费站台,华人之光李安导演在奥斯卡颁奖典礼后被拍到一手握着...
Takeout, Seating, Parking Available, Wheelchair Accessible, American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover, Drive Thru Is this afast foodplace? Yes No Unsure Details Manage this business? About At In-N-Out Burger, quality is everything. Stop by to enjoy our menu of hamburgers, cheese...
Best drive thru burger joint ever!! We just moved to Idaho and there isn't a In N Out! Please bring one here. I can smell the fries now. Also, a christian owned company. John 3:16 on the bottom of soda cup and proverbs 3:5-6 on bottom of milkshake cup! Written Marc...
. They were inexperienced when it comes to fast food business but they tried anyway. So it was Mr. Snyder who came up with the idea of having a drive-thru service. It was a history made because it was the first not just in California but also around the world. In-N-Out Burger’s...