这次我再次来到加州,一下飞机就直奔这家超受欢迎的加州特产店——In-N-Out Burger。他们家的菜单非常简单,但每次点餐都感觉有点单调。这次我特意参考了百度上姐妹们的推荐,结果完全不踩雷,超级好吃!😋来跟我一起念吧🙋♀️: "Please get me a Double double animal style with extra toasted buns, ...
在In-N-Out,你要是按照菜单点,一看就是外行了。 它的精髓全在它的secret menu里。 大家最常点的是Animal Style Burger,牛肉饼抹上芥末,咬一口肉汁就溢出来了,特别像老友记里面Monica的“肉汁四溢”的秘密做法。配菜有生菜、番茄、腌黄瓜和洋葱。 Grilled Cheese,芝士爱好者首选。芝士真的很多很厚,除了可以在口...
In-N-Out的汉堡相对麦当劳好吃太多了,因为美国本土的麦当劳、肯德基、汉堡王都会很干,料也不足。In-N-Out与其他快餐店不同,其它快餐店通常会支付其员工接近最低工资的薪水,而In-N-Out的加州分店于2008年左右支付的每小时10美元大大超出加州的最低工资,这也是它成功的元素之一。 最标准版的三人套餐,In-N-Out的...
IN-N-OUT是加州人心中快餐界yyds,记得家门口的门店,不管是下午3点,还是晚上8点,门口都排起来长龙,尤其是疫情期间,drive-thru更是深得人心。 但是加州人之所以爱它,主要就是因为它食材新鲜+好吃便宜+开的早关的晚, 把它当便饭比当网红店吃起来更开心~(真心便宜啊,$3的 )。 小分队吸迪猫曾经在加州长居8年,...
🍔 Veggie Burger:面包夹生菜,适合素食主义者,但别忘了,这家店的主打是新鲜牛肉饼。 🍔 Toasty Buns:让面包烤得更加酥脆,提升整体口感。 🍔 No Toasty:喜欢软面包的朋友可以选择,面包不会烤得过于酥脆。 🍔 Chopped Chilies:在汉堡中加入碎青辣椒,辣味爱好者的不二之选。 🍔 Medium-Rare:牛肉饼略生,...
with no preservatives, melted American cheese, onions and tomatoes, spread and top-and-bottom toasted buns baked using traditional, slow-rising sponge dough. The Double-double is their bestseller. Aside from the burgers, In-N-Out Burger has French fries, shakes of different flavors and beverages...
9. Veggie Burger:面包夹青菜。素食主义者似乎只能这么吃,不过,是不是也就失去了吃里和外新鲜有机牛肉饼的意义了呢。 10. Cut in Half:让做汉堡的小哥给你把汉堡切成两半。看来适合减肥期间分食的姐妹们或者是给小盆友们吃。 11. 2X4:普通汉堡基础上,两片牛肉饼加四片起司。
Butteredbunsare excellent. Upvote2Downvote Terry LopezMay 27, 2015 Double doubleburger. I get it every day and every day its okay. But today it was on point. Believe me! UpvoteDownvote Greg PeoplesOctober 20, 2015 Everything is good here pretty much ...
Typical in-n-Out experience. Fast service. Clean tables. Learned there is a double meat sandwich without the sauce and cheese on the Double Double. Less expensive than a Double Double hold all that stuff. For egg allergy, the buns here are egg free. ...
Long lines throughout the day, so obviously very popular. Lots of staff working so you get served very quickly. Prices are very low which I think is what keeps them so busy. The food was below average for a fast food restaurant. The burger patties are very thi...