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ission commands into a typeThgeragmrammmararnneettwwoorrkk haansdonpeerrofootrnmoedde asnydnotanxe taenrmaliynasilsnoudsein, agndthtihse nneettwwoorrkki.s That is pfroearrcmeonegtdnnibotediotewnaenerdnestthuheletsruoccooctneaefonddrinmtghiwengtoerrdtmobientchaolimsnoinndeget,wthweoirtchkhit...
Therefore, the continuous research could be conducted on the question, 'what would be the role of platform providers to enable platform conduction and operation in the era of mobile Internet?'. Author Contributions: Formal analysis: W.Z.; Conceptualization: Y.C.; Investigation: A.W. Funding: ...
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) RFLP is a biallelic, polymorphic genetic marker characterized by hybrid labeled probes of DNA fragments and digested with restriction endonucleases for estimations of genetic diversity (Vignal et al.2002; Amom and Nongdam2017). Different restriction sites i...
Moreover, fpolraceeadchsoctlhuasttetrh,ewfaecedsetonefrmthiaen1ceuatbh2ee.s,mitisncimomumponnree≤cntatas1n,·aga2ru.elaprapraalrlaellletoletphiepe(cd7o)rirnespwohnidchintghfisaccelsuostfetrhii(ss7) In the 1-dimenspioanraalllecIlanespetih,peheod1w-.dSeiuvmceehr,nrwseicoetnaoa...
In the big data era, learning analytics carry the possibility to offer educators information and tools that will help them in making decisions and encourage teachers to make full use of the technology through a range of learning concepts (Figure 4). The incorporation of technology for learning ...
Advancements in information technology, especially the internet, has opened an era of opportunities for organizations, especially for the banking sector, to serve their customers through new channels. From small-scale transactions to corporate operations, transactions are now made in an instant due to ...