2006,260‒281.Nieraad, Jürgen: „Deutschsprachige Literatur in Palästina und Israel. Fluchtpunkte des Exils undandere Themen“.Exilforschung. Ein internationales Jahrbuch.Bd. 5. München: edition text +kritik, 1987, 90‒110.Pazi, Margarita (Hrsg.):Nachrichten aus Israel – Deutschsprach...
Bense, Max. “Gendai Bigaku” (Modern aesthetics). Trans. Shūtarō Mukai. Tokyo: Tokyo Deutsch Bunka Kenkyūsho, October 1967. Google Scholar Bernstein, Richard J., ed.Peirce no Sekai(Perspectives on Peirce: Critical essays on Charles Sanders Peirce). Trans. Masakatsu Okada. Tokyo: Bokutakusha...
September 2001 eine viel beachtete Rede vor dem Deutschen Bundestag, den Großteil davon sogar in einem ausgezeichneten Deutsch. Seine spärlichen Hinweise auf positive Aspekte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungsgeschichte dienten vor allem dazu, sein Hauptanliegen zu unterstreichen. Vor dem Hintergr...
🔍 AI Detector (Academic Version)AcademicA GPT for determining whether an academic text is generated by GPT or other AI, support English, 中文, Deutsch, 日本語, etc. It can generate a detailed analysis report. (Still in continuous improvement😊 )AI Detector Link ...
Inside we leave 1 mm on top and bottom, so 194 mm are used for 46 rows of 10pt text (1 pt = 1/72 inch = 0.3528 mm). 10 pt is therefore 3.5mm and line height 194/46 = 4.217 mm = 12 pt.Why 46 rows? For Adam to Joseph the lifespans overlap and create a descending shifted...
They improve the business value of the solution, such as cost reduction and/or the quality of life for the employees. Those include: Minimize travel time to increase productivity. Avoid overtime to improve employee happiness. Schedule jobs earlier in the schedule to allow for unexpected jobs la...
Frost, Ram, Avital Deutsch, Orna Gilboa, Michal Tannenbaum, and William Marslen-Wilson. 2000. Morphological priming: Dissociation of phonological, semantic, and morphological factors. Memory & Cognition 28: 1277–88. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Garrod, Simon, and Anthony Anderson. 1987. Saying ...
It consists of 3 items (“I enjoy making plans for the future and working to make them a reality”, “My daily activities often seem trivial and unimportant to me”, “I have a sense of direction and purpose in life.”). The children answered on a 6-point Likert scale (1 = this ...
Acoustic communication, broadly distributed along the vertebrate phylogeny, plays a fundamental role in parental care, mate attraction and various other behaviours. Despite its importance, comparatively less is known about the evolutionary roots of acous
Since the late 19th century, genital modifications (female and male) have been an important research subject in anthropology. According to a comparative and constructivist perspective, they were first interpreted as rites of passage, then as rites of ins