作词: Dokken 作曲: Dokken Toss and turn all night in the sheets整夜捶床捣枕辗转反侧 I can't sleep寝不聊寐 Night after night don't know what it means夜复一夜 In my dreams在梦里百思莫解 What can I say or do我无能为力 You won't come back, we're through破镜难圆,你无可挽回 I...
21 Dokken - In My Dreams是摇滚音乐 经典珍藏MV(一)的第19集视频,该合集共计38集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
In My Dreams (2006 Remaster) - Dokken以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供 Lyrics by:Dokken In my dreams it's still the same在我的梦里一切都没变 Your love is strong it still remains你的爱坚不可摧历久弥新 Toss and turn all night in the sheets在被窝里辗转反侧一整夜 When I can't sleep当...
歌手:Dokken In My Dreams (2006 Remaster) - Dokken Lyrics by:Dokken In my dreams it's still the same Your love is strong it still remains Toss and turn all night in the sheets When I can't sleep Night after night don't know what it means ...
作词: Brown, Mick / Pilson, Jeff / Dokken, Don / Lynch, George 作曲: Brown, Mick / Pilson, Jeff / Dokken, Don / Lynch, George Toss and turn all night in the sheets整夜捶床捣枕辗转反侧 I can't sleep寝不聊寐 Night after night don't know what it means夜复一夜 In my dreams在梦...
In my dreams--it's still the same A C G A Your love is strong, it still remains A D C G Toss and turn all night in the sheets G A I can't sleep A D C G Night after night don't know what it means G A In my dreams ...
歌曲名:In my dream 专辑:Just Crazy 未知 一路上有你英文版 My dream 每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这 陪伴着我 I dream of you everyday of my life,梦着你 在我生命中的每一天 but you don’t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你 Just like a friend you treat me like i...
歌曲名:In my dream专辑:Just Crazy未知一路上有你英文版My dream每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这陪伴着我I dream of you everyday of my life, 梦着你 在我生命中的每一天but you don’t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的只是...
【经典歌曲】Dokken - In My Dreams只看楼主 收藏 回复 迪迷天下 yye0007 回复 共有1页 回复贴:0 普通登录 手机登录 帐号 用户名/验证邮箱 密码 记住我的登录状态 忘记密码? 还没有百度帐号?立即注册 给新版提点意见吧 贴吧垃圾信息处理公示 贴吧打击收费删贴警示 分享到: <<返回dokken吧...
In My Dreams Dokken 1 作词: Brown, Mick / Pilson, Jeff / Dokken, Don / Lynch, George 作曲: Brown, Mick / Pilson, Jeff / Dokken, Don / Lynch, George 下载APP 打开 评论 相似歌曲 最新评论(1) 血吼战歌 2018年11月5日 [幽灵] 更多精彩评论 和这首歌相似的歌曲 I Remember Lightning Strikes...