The "distance" between two linked gene pairs where 1 percent of the products of meiosis are recombinant; a unit of distance in a linkage map. i.e;, that distance between genes for which one product of meiosis out of 100 is recombinant. i.e., a recombinant frequency of 1 percent is de...
A basic principle in biology stating that genes are located at specific positions (loci) on chromosomes and that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis accounts for inheritance patterns. wild type The phenotype most commonly observed in natural populations; also refers to...
eg. Define active transport. 定义提问比较简单,就是解释这个单词或词组或事件的意思,这个可以通过做一个词汇定义表,这里推荐一个Quizlet的链接(Biology key terms),没事的时候在手机上翻炒巩固即可。 Draw: Represent by means of a LABELED, accurate diagram or graph. eg. Draw and label a diagram of the...