Results show that medical databases aid medical professionals in finding off-label PCOS treatments. These databases also assess a drug's potential efficacy and risks. However, their usefulness has limits, lacking comprehensive data on usage, mechanisms, and safety. When using lite...
Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such...
Current Nutrition Reports (2023) 12:56–64 REVIEW Ketogenic Diet as Medical Prescription in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Luigi Barrea1,2 · Ludovica Verde2,12 · Elisabetta Camajani3,4 · Simona Cernea5,6 ...
What Are The Effects Of Cosmetic Procedures? health and beauty In this modernized world, we already have improved and widely-used medical procedures. Cosmetic procedures have been a significant part of every individual, regardless of how minor or major the procedure is. Recently, cosmetic dentistry...
to me and let me decide how aggressive I wanted to be. They also diagnosed me with PCOS when no one had my entire life, which answered so many questions.I had a successful pregnancy the first cycle with RCC. This is definitely not everyone’s experience, but I am so incredibly grateful...
terms of replication. For any known loci demonstrating nominal association within the cohort, the beta value or odds ratio was checked for consistent allelic direction of effect with that previously reported. All SNPs known to be associated with PCOS through GWAS were analysed in this study with ...
WHtR appears to have a better power in terms of its ability to predict hypertension [,[31], [32]]. In our study, WHtR outperformed the other indices in predicting the risk of hypertension during recovery from general anesthesia (AUC = 0.67). This was similar to the findings of Shi Luqia...
Keywords: PCOS;polycystic ovaries;Stein-Leventhal;epidemiology;normative cut-offs;phenotype;cluster analysis;hirsutism;androgens;menstrual cycle;PCOM
Simultaneously, it emphasizes the responsibilities of patients in terms of adherence to treatment plans, ethical conduct, and cooperation with medical professionals. Requirement of IVF in India – From the past 20 years, infertility has been growing rapidly all over the world and since India comes ...
A poor ovarian response was the reverse of what happens in a good ovarian response [9, 12, 31]. The identified ovulatory factors included hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and thyroid disorders. Intrauterine adhesions, bicornuate uterus, polyps, and submucous myoma were considered...