A microfluidic assay that identifies sepsis from a single droplet of diluted blood by measuring the spontaneous motility of neutrophils showed 97% sensitivity and 98% specificity in two independent patient cohorts. Felix Ellett Julianne Jorgensen ...
Neutrophils modulate the efficacy of cancer therapies, and can also serve as biomarkers for progression and therapy response in cancer patients. Now that there is a growing understanding of the impact of neutrophils on cancer, the mechanisms by which neutrophils promote cancer progression may be used...
To date, tumor-associated macrophages, fibroblasts and neutrophils have been reported to interact with B cells and mediate their differentiation into PCs [20, 21]. However, it is still not clear whether PCs directly interact with tumor cells and what role tumor cell-PC communication plays in BC...
and both immunofluorescence and flow cytometry analyses showed recruitment of large numbers of neutrophils to the cavernoma in chronic CCM (Figs.5,6), the properties and roles of neutrophils in CCM development were further characterised. In general, neutrophils are ...
In addition, there is an immunological barrier to microbes consisting of the organized lymphoid follicles called the Peyer's patches and isolated lymphoid follicles. These follicles contain a variety of cells including B cells, T cells, dendritic cells and neutrophils. Acquired luminal antigens are ...
Symptoms and comorbidities did not show differences statistically significant in terms of patient outcome. Instead, SpO2 was significantly lower in patients hospitalized in critical conditions or died while age, HS CRP, leukocyte count, neutrophils, LDH, d-dimer, troponin, creatinine and azotemia, ALT...
Systemic inflammatory diseases are usually associated with enhanced cytokine levels, which reach the brain through the systemic circulation [69], [70] or the vagal nerve [71], increasing in local blood flow, adhesion and extravasation of circulating monocytes, neutrophils and lymphocytes [72]. In ...
5c). In four of the specimens analyzed, minimal or no signs of new bone formation were appreciated, showing an inflammatory infiltrate with neutrophils and macrophages associated with tissue destruction (Fig. 4b). Histomorphometrical results The results from the histomorphometric measurements are ...
(D,E) Interaction network of the HG-regulated genes belonging to the top GO terms in GECs, namely “inflammatory response” for the upregulated genes (D), and “response to hypoxia” for the downregulated genes (E), generated using the STRING database, based on high-confidence interactions ...
What is interesting about the skeletal muscle response to unloading is the range seen in the degree of muscle atrophy between individuals. Significant variability is observed between astronauts in terms of their skeletal muscle responses to spaceflight and the inter-subject response to bed rest12,16,...