《In Loving Memory爱的回忆》,选自专辑《Serenity》 Phil Coulter(菲尔.柯尔特)1942年2月19日出生在Derry在北爱尔兰长大,那时候正是第2次世界大战。从小的时候家里最值钱的东块就是 Challen 钢琴,所以那时候我们的房子总是充满音乐,父亲拉小提琴母亲弹钢琴,虽然他们演奏的并不是最好,音乐无时无刻飘扬在家中的每...
Byline: MELANIE HARVEYDaily Mail (London)
字面意思是 恋爱中的记忆
Trisha was a beautiful person who lit up the room with her radiant smile and infectious laughter. Trisha's remarkable compassion, kindness and attention to those around her has left an unmistakable imprint on those who knew her. No words can do justice to describe the incredible person that Tr...
分享Phil Coulter的单曲《In Loving Memory》: 网页链接 (来自@网易云音乐)查看图片//@用户1936575981:回复@不明真相的群众:“……方总赤着脚漫步在四月的校园,他在树林花草间行走,仔细端详着一花一叶,似乎要在其中读出什么甜蜜的暗号,有时又好像在寻找着什么,转身回首,俯身下探,就像1995年的夏天,女友和他见面前...
In both the Short Text and the Long Text, Julian enquires about an unspecified friend’s spiritual well-being. This desire carries possible undertones of desiring a revelation about the friend’s fate after death (e.g., the duration of her time in Purgatory), a visionary convention. She is...
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