In Loving Memory: Directed by Maddy Ginn. With Pascale Yensen, Katrina Kwan, Jenny Zhou. A queer drama set in the late 1960s that follows a writer who lost her spark as she remembers a pivotal moment in her life spent with her late forbidden love.
《In Loving Memory爱的回忆》,选自专辑《Serenity》 Phil Coulter(菲尔.柯尔特)1942年2月19日出生在Derry在北爱尔兰长大,那时候正是第2次世界大战。从小的时候家里最值钱的东块就是 Challen 钢琴,所以那时候我们的房子总是充满音乐,父亲拉小提琴母亲弹钢琴,虽然他们演奏的并不是最好,音乐无时无刻飘扬在家中的每...
2020年4月22日,母亲永远地离开了我们... 多想时光倒流,再看看母亲慈爱的面容,听听母亲关爱的声音... 不愿相信母亲永远地离开了我... 好在时常能与母亲梦中相见,令我倍感幸福和温馨!我知道母亲一直在陪伴着我,从未离开…… 有生的日子我会一直怀念和母亲在一
In Loving Memory Welcome to the web page of our Dad, James Low, who died suddenly on September 6, 2011. Our Dad was a selfless, gentle and loving soul who touched our lives and the lives of so many around him in countless, quiet ways. He was a genealogist, an astronomer, a ...
Thank you so much - what prompt & wonderful service! I lost both my "Big Dogs" this past year and want to add Moose to the memory bench I had purchased for Maggie who passed first...thank you for helping me give them a loving tribute, ...
In Loving Memory of Ashley Nicole RomerHeavenly Lights Childrens Memorial
埃尼欧·莫里科内(Ennio Morricone,1928-2020),意大利作曲家,获得2007年奥斯卡终身成就奖。代表作品:《镖客三部曲》、《美国往事》、《天堂电影院》、《哈姆雷特》及《西西里的美丽传说》。 《美国往事》(Once Upon a Time in America)中最喜欢的一段
In Loving Memory of Queenzy铭子不想起名字 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多1098 -- 6:18 App Astro 2024贺岁歌曲《有福》 689 -- 6:54 App 庄群施亲唱的两首开斋节歌曲《Keluarga Aidilfitri》和《Syawal Aidilfitri》 386 -- 0:49 App 祝四千金出道三十周年快乐! 891 -- 1:42:49...