In look的基本含义是看、瞥、注视等,通常指观察某物或某人,了解其外貌、状态或行为。例如,你可以说“他一眼看过来”,也可以说“他深深地注视着前方的景色”。这些都是in look的运用。此外,in look还可以表示一种心态或态度,例如“in a hopeful look”指的是一种充满希望的心境,而“in a d...
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The meaning of LOOK-IN is a chance of success. How to use look-in in a sentence.
You may find it useful to draw a timeline and write notes about each event.Look at the sentences from the passage. “How old are you?” The radio manager looked down at me. “Fifteen,” I said. “And you want a job in radio? Shouldnt you be at school?” he asked.• describing...
look in 音标: 英音:[lʊk ɪn] 美音:[lʊk ɪn] 中文释义: 动词短语,意为“往里看;顺便拜访;查阅(书籍等)”。 单词起源:“look”作为动词,意为“看”,而“in”作为介词,表示“在……里面”。这两个词组合在一起,形成了短语“look in”,其起源可以追溯到英语日常用语中对于“向内看”或“...
look in有三个基本意思,分别是:查看或检查某物内部、短暂拜访或探访、插话或干预。以下是对这三个意思的详细解释: 一、查看或检查某物内部 “look in”在这个语境下,指的是对某物进行内部的查看或检查。例如,当你想要了解一个包裹、箱子或房间内部的情况时,你可以说“I...
Walk over and look in the window. 走过去往窗里瞧. 《简明英汉词典》 Look in the newspaper to get information about movies or the theater. 看看报,搞点有关电影或戏剧的消息. 期刊摘选 Boost me up so I can look in the Window. 托我一把,我就可以从窗户往里看了. ...
look at、look to、look in在用法和侧重点上有明显的区别,主要体现在含义、用法以及所指的具体情境上。首先,从含义上看,look at通常表示直接的目光注视或审视,可以理解为对某个对象进行观察或评估。而look to则更多指向一种方向或目标的指向,意味着朝某个方向看去或期待某个结果。look in则常用于...
Define look in. look in synonyms, look in pronunciation, look in translation, English dictionary definition of look in. verb 1. To direct the eyes on an object: consider, contemplate, eye, view. Idiom: clap one's eyes on. 2. To try to find something: cas