Definition of In Lieu Of in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is In Lieu Of? Meaning of In Lieu Of as a legal term. What does In Lieu Of mean in law?
Define in lieu of. in lieu of synonyms, in lieu of pronunciation, in lieu of translation, English dictionary definition of in lieu of. n. Archaic Place; stead. Idiom: in lieu of In place of; instead of. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Lan
ain lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision, there will be added automatically as a part of this contract a legal, valid and enforceable provision as similar in terms to such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision as may be possible. 代替这样非法,无效或者不能执行的供应,那...
In many legal disputes, it’s common for both parties who litigate to wind up paying the bulk of settlement money to the attorneys, so that the lawyers are the only ones to make a profit. This is why reasonable people will often eschew the lawyers for an out of court settlement. This ...
Define in place of. in place of synonyms, in place of pronunciation, in place of translation, English dictionary definition of in place of. n. 1. a. An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space. b. Room or space, especially adequate
Payment in lieu of notice, or PILON, is where an employee is paid by their employer for their notice period instead of them working this time when their employment is terminated without notice. PILON can apply to many different types of dismissal. If an
A "notice in lieu of distringas" is a legal notice issued to prevent the transfer of shares or securities. It serves as a warning to the company and the public that a legal interest in the shares is being claimed, thus restraining any unauthorized dealin
10 For George Letsas, "Separate opinions in the common law allow individual judges publicly to develop, much like an academic would, their own legal philosophy [...]. In the tradition of civil law by contrast, judges remain largely unknown to the public and to the legal profession [...]...
The traditional analysis and definition of diplomacy in the theories of international law, however, are much narrower, which is backward the rapid change of reality of international politics. International law sets up much restriction on the diplomacy of the states. On the other hand, it also ...
Legal Risks of Giving Title Changes in Lieu of RaisesJohn Skousen