Jujutsu Kaisen is a popular Shonen manga known for its exploration of dark and supernatural themes along with gore. It is popular in its depiction of Japanese folklore along with urban legends. Of all the deaths in the series, Satoru Gojo’s death is established as the saddest. While Gege ...
These curses are invisible to the majority of humanity (except in life-or-death situations), but they can still harm people regardless of their awareness. The movie also introduces us to sorcerers—those who can see and (usually) manipulate cursed energy in order to use it to their advantage...
Miguel's role in Jujutsu Kaisen was an unrealistic one (Image via MAPPA) Jujutsu Kaisen is filled with characters, each with unique traits. Whether it be Gojo, with his prideful personality unwilling to submit to the strongest ones, or Itadori, who is kind to the worst of the worst like ...
jujutsu kaisen fans are convinced gojo will return after his rumored death in battle with sukuna “he’s still alive”: jujutsu kaisen fans are convinced gojo will return after his rumored death in battle with sukuna written by: tanmay reviewed by: angad published s...
In terms of where the story of JuJutsu Kaisen is in the anime, we don’t know too much about the back story of Sukuna. The most information that we’re given about him comes from the interrogation that good old Gojo conducts on Itadori after they subdue him post eating the finger. ...
History of Kenjaku in Jujutsu Kaisen Throughout history, Kenjaku has captured the bodies of many people and survived successfully against time and death. However, there are many important people’s bodies he has inhabited and changed the course of history through his vile acts. Furthermore, ther...
Toji's Return MakesJujutsu Kaisen's Future More Exciting Toji's return opens up so many possibilities for where the Shibuya Incident arc can go from here. By bringing him back in this way, the series also doesn't make his death meaningless as he is still dead, even if someone has effect...
Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash Ultimate Edition $99.99+ Games included Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed ClashJujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash - Jujusta 2024 Add-ons included Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash - Anime Ending Theme 1 Outfit SetJujutsu Kaisen Cursed Clash - Hidden Inventory/Premature Death...
jujutsu kaisen chapter 236 edit --- YouTube0:15 Sukuna Kills Gojo \ Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 236 #chapter236 #jujutsukaisen #gojo 55 次浏览 Resident Evil main title theme Marilyn Manson Inbetweenit Nikolay 2023 9月 14 Silence Therefore I Am Billie...