about fasting and restraint. However, it is not so much about the atonement of sins and more about practicing self-restraint. By doing so, the Muslims observe sawm which is an Arabic word for refrain. This is one of the five basic tenets of the religion, and a strong pillar of Islam....
The Ashura and Muharrem- A Sunni Muslim's Perspective Forgiveness In Islam Lessons From MALCOLM X Acts Of God? America Responds With Compassion The Challanges To Our Values Diabetes, Mellitus and Ramadan Fasting We Give For The Love Of God To God we belong and to Him is our return The Less...
Salah, meaning ‘prayer’ or ‘supplication’, is also known as Namaz among non-Arab Muslims. Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam, which form the core beliefs and practices of the religion. The five pillars are: Profession of faith (Shahada). There is no God but Allah, and Proph...
Islam, and Judaism arrived one after another, Hinduism also came with Indian merchants. Followers built magnificent Hindu temples and sacrificial altars in the metropolis. In December 1956, a stele with Tamil inscriptions was unearthed ...
The sighting of a new crescent moon marks the start of Ramadan, a time for piety and self-reflection.
Eid Milad Un Nabi: Birthday of Muhammad (founder of Islam) September 4th, 2025 √ Karwa Chauth: Hindu Women's Festival October 9th, 2025 Optional holiday Diwali: Festival of Lights October 21st, 2025 √ Chhath Puja: Thanking the sun god Surya October 27th, 2025 Optional holiday Guru Nanak ...
aShould you read about Islam to know that your religion is wrong and this world will end in another life after your death either heaven or fire, you should know that something in your creation and the creation of everything you know who is he?? Is (God) 应该您闻悉回教知道您的宗教是错...
(islām) alongside the world's three major religions of Buddhism, Christianity. The early 7th century in the Arabian Peninsula. Its revival and disseminators of Muhammad. China formerly known as the day side to teach Islam or Islam. The Islamic word original intent was to obey, that is to ...
A) Islam is the official religion of the State and is to be considered a source of legislation. No law that contradicts the universally agreed tenets of Islam, the principles of democracy, or the rights cited in Chapter Two of this Law may be enacted during the transitional period. This La...
Hārītī is the first female deity in Buddhism that was credited with responsibility for protecting women during childbirth and protecting children. Since her introduction to China from India, her image has undergone multiple changes, and the rise and fall of her cult is closely related to the so...