1997. The verb phrase in Afrikaans: Evidence of creolization? In A.K. Spears and D. Winford (Eds.) The structure and status of pidgins and creoles: Including selected papers from the meeting of the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pp. 289-307....
Learn to say cheers in different languages with this fun post! From Afrikaans to Vietnamese, you'll soon be able to raise a glass in 30 languages around the world. Proposing a toast is a great way to engage with locals. Knowing how to say cheers will ser
Mawu nyo – Ewe Kafu Afetor – Ewe Mulungu ndi wabwino – Chewa Prys die Here – Afrikaans Joomiraawo a woodi – Fulani Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji – Hausa Chukwu Di Mma – Igbo Tonu Ja – Igbo Ngai ni museo – Kamba Mwebwe mukora – Kinyarwanda Kararan Kiptaiyat – Kalenjin...
A collection of useful phrases in American Norwegian (norst), a variety of Norwegian spoken by people of Norwegian descent in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota in the USA. Jump to phrases See these phrases in any combination of two languages in thePhrase Finder. If you can provide rec...
To see more phrases in each language click on the language names. If you'd like to see these phrases in any combination of two languages, try the Phrase Finder. LanguageI love you Adyghe СэшІу усэлъэгъу Afrikaans
居然能顺利发表,满篇的asshole诶!!! Language Phrase Meaning Afrikaans thoscope asshole Afrikaans Poepol Asshole Alsatian schtufe die schobert fucked in the asshole Arabic kuwait A'airy Eb Gathek My dick in your asshole Arabic kuwait Gath mal hmar donkey asshole Arabic...
Another possibility to explain the idiom Mtoto wa watu, and related to the previous one, is the literalness of the phrase that could also be translated as “boy or little boy of men” with the sense of puppet of men, of several or many men. ...
FRFRis a more empathetic and more serious version ofFR(ForReal).
pop pronunciation inAfrikaans[af] pop pronunciation Pronunciation byMoosh(Female from New Zealand) Follow 0 votesGoodBad Add to favorites Download MP3 Report Translation Translation of pop + add translation Log into add a translation Can you pronounce it better? Or with a different accent?Pronounce ...
1. Afrikaans: Dankie Dankie works for most situations, but to say thank you very much, use the longer expression Baie dankie, where baie means a lot. 2. Arabic: شكرا (shukraan) While this is the more general thank you in standard Arabic, you can get a little more specific...