The meaning of IN is —used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits. How to use in in a sentence.
a prefix representing Englishin(income; indwelling; inland, etc.), but used also as a verb-formative with transitive, intensive, or sometimes little apparent force (intrust; inweave, etc.). It often assumes the same forms asin-2, such asen-1,em-1,im-3. ...
in-的四种解释 1.a prefix representing English in (income; indwelling; inland, etc.), butused also as a verb-formative with transitive, intensive, or sometimeslittle apparent force ( intrust; inweave, etc.).2.a prefix of Latin origin meaning primarily “in,” but used also as ...
PREFIXES:IM,IN,UN,IL,IR,DIS? Theprefixmeaning"not"or"theoppositeof"isin-. Howeverthespellingofthisprefixoftenchangestomatchthefirstletterofthebaseword. Thissometimesresultsinadoubleletter. So,ifwewanttosaytheoppositeoflegalwesay"illegal"insteadof"inlegal"(whichwouldbe awkwardtogetyourtonguearound!)....
a prefix of Latin origin meaning primarily “in,” but used also as a verb-formative with the same force as in-1 (incarcerate; incantation). Also, il- , im-, ir-. Compare em- 1 , en-1. in-3 , a prefix of Latin origin, corresponding to English un-, having a negative or pr...
46. ig- 不,忽视,不见 ignore v.忽视 ignorant a.无知的,无礼的 ignoble a.不体面的 ignominy n.耻辱 47. im- 不,无,非/在...内/使… immobile a.稳定的,不动的,静止的 impartial a.公平的,天私的 impractical a.不切笑阪的 imbue (with)v.灌输(某人) 强烈的情感 ...
So, for example, "immigrate" means migrate into a country. So, come... Or come into a country, I should say, sorry. "Migrate" move, "im", into. Move into a country. "Inflame", so this is another ...
教材原文 汉语译文 The prefixes un-, in- and im- 前缀un-,in-和 im- A prefix is a letter or a group of letters that we add to the 前缀是我们加在词前,构成一个新词的 front of a word to form a new word. One of the most common 一个或一组字母.形容词最常用的前缀 prefixesfor ...
VⅢ. The prefixes un-,in-,im-,il- and ir- can be used before adjectives to give them a negative meaning, e.g.un- usual unusual: not usualim- possible impossible: not possibleNow add the right prefix to each of the following words and then choose the correct one for each of t...
word-forming element meaning "not, opposite of, without" (also im-, il-, ir- by assimilation of -n- with following consonant, a tendency which began in later Latin), from Latin in- "not," cognate with Greek an...